Yeah for less homework. I am liking June. Since Katrine didn’t have much homework we cracked open the science kit that she got for her birthday and she began excavating her dinosaur. Think that might take a while. As Katrine chiselled away, Elspeth started to colour in a bag that her Grammy brought her. Me? I continued to stitch away at Katrine’s next skating outfit.
After a quick dinner (love the new bbq) it was off to Katrine’s dance class and the park for Elspeth. On the way back from the park, Elspeth decided that she needed to jump. Guess all of the work at her gymnastics class is starting to pay off because she got some air.
Garden? Well it is loving all of the sun and rain. Everything is up with the exception of our sunflowers and beets. We had a few radishes but I think that the local wild life has been nibbling. Even some of my roses are out so I have been teaching Elspeth about the importance of avoiding thorns.