Adventures in Potty Training

We are right in the thick of learning that no two children potty train the same.  Katrine was a schedule girl.  Figure out her schedule and wham – mostly trained.  Wore padded training pants for a few months as assurance but that was it.

Elspeth is a different kettle of fish entirely.  Firstly, she has no schedule. Spent two weeks tracking roughly when she wet herself only to discover that there was no pattern.  Sigh.  That is no help.  However, we did notice the pattern that she would occassionally run to the toilet on time and occassionally run there after the fact.  Thought, okay maybe she just isn’t ready for toilet training.  So we back off for a few months.   Then two weeks ago she refused to put on a pull-up.  Okay, time for round two but with a different approach.

No pull ups.  Instead, training pants.  They will be more uncomfortable and that will motivate her more to go to the toilet in advance.  This lead to our second discovery.  For her the sheer act of wearing any form of underwear (regular or padded) seems to be an invitation to wet herself.  Sigh.  Now what.  I mean she wants to and is digging in her heels about the pull ups.  Guess we need a new plan.

Okay, pantless at home.  Well don’t you know, accident free in the house for the past three days.  One minor complication though.  She seems to think that when she puts pants on to go outside it is an invitation to just let it go.  At least we seem to be making some progress.

No two kids are a like!

Oh, a happy birthday to Glenn.  His first birthday hug from Elspeth.  A priceless gift.