On Thursday, Katrine had a great opportunity. She skipped school for the day to attend university. Well, sort of. She spent the day at the Take Your Child to Work Day with Glenn. She had a fabulous time. First she explored Glenn’s work space (as you can see in the diagram below, he works in quite a small space). Then she walked around with campus security learning about stranger awareness and sitting in their patrol car . Next it was off to thespider lab for a workshop on spider communication. Her big learning was that female Black Widow spiders are larger than males. Who knew? After a lunch date with Baba (does it get any better?) it was off to the gym to learn about healthy eating and do some circuit training. The day ended with her favourite event of the day: a visit to the chemistry lab. They made ice cream using dry ice and got to eat it!!!!! Someone knew what they were doing when they planned that experiment.
Today was our last skating competition of the season. This means that we no longer have to listen to the Annie medley. :-)  However, it was also the last time that little miss gets to wear the outfit that I put so many hours into. 😥 I suppose that it will soon be time to get started on the next outfit…maybe something in black and gold so it is super shiny.
Anyways, we were at the Ursula Leming Skate in Scarboro. It was really well organized and we had a lot of fun. My parents even drove in because they have not been able to make it to any other competitions. They got a treat. Katrine decided to finish the season with a bang. She skated her tush off and brought home a second. You can see in the photo how proud of herself she is.
Do we get a break from skating now? Ha! Her club lessons run until the end of May and then there is a break for June meaning happy mummy before summer camp begins. Five weeks this year as opposed to last summer’s two. I am not happy about the driving but I am looking at it as more time for Elspeth.