My Nana Brown passed away right before the break. She was a wonderful woman and fabulous grandmother. Always had something tucked away for Scott and I to do when we visited….and the girls too for that matter. Always had some treats for us to, along with an ear to listen to our exploits. The day after the memorial, we went to may parents for a change of pace. The girls were lucky and got to explore the Marsh with their Grandpa. Too cold for the sap to be running that day but they did check. These were the last two days before I got ill.
It wasn’t all bad. We did mark Pi Day….with sugar pie! Unfortunately too ill to bother making gluten free pastry; but also too ill to care that I wasn’t getting pie.
Not much, well any, photos of Katrine from March Break as she skated. She has managed to get back to her double axel with some consistency!!! She is also excited to be working on her new programs for next season. This past week (okay not March Break) she also did some skating tests so she has been busy. Oh, she did end the break by singing in the youth choir for the very first time. Proud mom moment.
Elspeth kept busy despite the fact that I was ill with bronchitis (in fact, just getting rid of the last of it). She sewed up a storm, went to library programs and completing Brownie badges. Here is a glimpse into her week in photos.