Science North!!!! A full day of science had Miss K in heaven and Miss E…overwhelmed at times but also wide eyed with wonder.
The special exhibit this time was about the Ice Age. Animatronic animals captivated Miss K right from the start. Miss E quietly observed until we hit the hands on portion. Then she dove in with both feet to search for fossils in dirt and to create her own cave art. Then the smile started to bloom.

It spread further when we hit the nature floor where she got to sit in the butterfly chair and touch a giant snail. I thought that it would be clear sailing until we went into the butterfly room. Sigh. Flying insects, I should have known better.

Some loving, a snack and a magnifying glass helped to get us back on the right track in time for the chemistry show that Miss K had her heart set on. Fire, bubbles, education, and laughs … what more could you want. She enjoyed the show so much that we went to two more shows.

The top floor was by far their favourite. Miss E loved the gravity well, the climate change movie narrated by sheep and penguins and the recycled electronic art. Miss K was into all of the stations about space as well as the recycled art. She got quite creative and made a whole car that actually rolls.

They topped it off with some rock polishing. Each girl got to chose their own rock and then make it all shiny. I of course no longer had to buy them souvenirs!