We just go home from visiting my brother’s family in Glencoe. It was my nephew, Charles’, family birthday celebration as well as their local fair. (My neice, Virginia, took two first place ribbons for an old-tool creature and beaded bracelet, We are so proud of her. The creature was really cool.) My nephew’s favourite part of the fair is the Demolition Derby so in honour of his birthday we had to stay for that. I thought it was awesome. At one point a car managed to drive on top of another competitor’s car. Really cool…just goes to prove that I am my brother’s sister. Katrine however was scared to go to sleep tonight because she might dream of the smash-up cars. It seems like it will be a while until we go back to the fair or at least the derby. Sigh! A fun weekend with a freshly tramatized child. What’s a mother to do?
Category: Family
Corn photos
Catching up with our garden
When we first planted our garden we posted some photos. I thought that it would be a good time to update you on how things are growing and share some more photos.
We harvested our first batch of brocolli last week. It is amazing how much stronger fresh brocolli tastes. Katrine loved it raw or cooked which is the ultimate test in our household.
All of the carrots and beets were eaten by local wild bunnies before they had a chance to grow, but they didn’t eat our leeks. In another two months we might have enough for a pot of leek soup. Yum!
The potatoes are growing really well. So are the cucumbers. Thank goodness both Katrine and Glenn eat them because this year they just keep growing.
Our tomatoe plants have gotten so big and heavy that they have broken a few of the cages. One has turned orange and we are keeping our fingers crossed that others will follow. Otherwise I will be making a big batch of I don’t know what with green tomatoes. Anyone have a salsa recipe for green tomatoes?
Our corn has finally got some height and has begun to grow actual corn. If you look closely at the photo you can just see the brown tassle of a baby corn cob!! Keeping our fingers crossed that the raccoons will stay away.
Events of Canada Day
Once again we spent Canada Day at the Highland Games in Embro. Katrine did really well. She actually won a first and second!! She also did a great job on her fling, which she couldn’t do at all three weeks ago, except that her feet got tangled up during one turn and she fell. But, she got right back up and started dancing again. We were really proud of her. She was really upset that we were not able to stay around for the medal ceremony (more details below) and I am not sure that she really understands where she ranked only that she won two medals for good dancing.
Did I dance? Well, technically yes. I did the full first step of the Irish Jig and on the second side of the second step I hopped and ended up with a sharp pain in my insoles. I managed six steps off of the stage and then sat on a bench while the Saint John’s Ambulance people put my foot into a splint. Then it was off to the hospital in Ingersoll for x-rays. Nothing is broken but I seem to have sprained it yet again. So it will be back to physio for me and this will likely mark the end of my Highland Dance career. Can you say hello Scottish Country Dance?
More rain means a better garden
All of our recent rain has meant a lot of weeding but also quite a bit of growth in our garden. We have lost two cucumber plants but the third is going strong. We also had one brocolli plant go to seed but as you can tell from the photos, another seems to actually be growing a little brocolli for us. The local wild rabbits ate our first batch of tender corn sprouts so we had to break down and buy a flat of sprouts. This batch is growing nicely as Glenn made small wire fences that enclose them so no more bunny snacks. The potatoes are by far the best though. They just keep on growing. I am seeing a lot of roasted potatoes and potatoe salads in our future.

Katrine gets down
A lot has happened this month, not all of it positive. That said, I thought that I would post a video of Katrine dancing at her daycare’s Father’s Day party. The girl really gets down. I hope that you find it as amusing as we did.
Skating Competition Video
Here is the video of Katrine’s first skating. It’s off the main page to keep things a bit more tidy.
Katrine skating
I just thought that I would share some footage of Katrine skating because I find her fun to watch. So here goes… Continue reading “Katrine skating”
Embro Highland Games on Canada Day
After Katrine did so well and had so much fun at the Georgetown Highland Games, and after much pleading by her to “go to another competition” we looked around and found the Embro Highland Games. A very early morning ensued fueled by a quick stop at Tim Horton’s for donuts, followed by a 2 hour drive.
We arrived and got setup, since Katrine was dancing in the Primary A category she was dancing at about 9:40am. First up were the Pas de Basque
After that we took a break
Finally the dance results were in. Katrine recieved a 6th place in the Pas de Basque, and did not place in the Pas de Basque and Highcuts. She did however receive a collapsible lawn chair as a participation award, a medal for her 6th place showing, and a stick of candy for turning in her bib number.
All in all it was a good day and a really enjoyable Highland Games. If Katrine is still interested in Dancing next year, it will definitely be on our calendar.
Finally here are 2 videos of Katrine dancing.
first the Pas de Basques
then the Pas de Basque and Highcuts.
Video of Katrine Dancing
Here is some video of Katrine in her first highland dance competition.