Final Christmas

We had our final Christmas celebration of the year and some more snow fun up at my parents.  We went up a few days before my brother’s family to get in some extra visiting and snow play.  Elspeth did much better in the snow this time.  As you can see, she actually laughed, walked in it, touched it and rode on a sled.  I think that if I take some snow toys out the next time it snows up here (all of our snow melted while we were up north) she will like it even more.  While Elspeth napped one of the afternoons, my dad drove Katrine and I over to the Wye Marsh.  The trails were not ready for cross country but they let us try out some snow shoes.  Now that was fun.  The woods were gorgeous with chunks of icy snow caking the branches.  It was great exercise and just a wonderful mini-date with my Katrine.

Baba pulled them all around the yard.
Apparently, having your sister cover you in snow is funny. Who knew?
Isn't it pretty? Too bad it rained the next day so we couldn't go back.






















Scott, Sarah and the kids showed up on New Years Eve and after some more outside time we dove into the presents.  It is amazing seeing the cousins admiring what each got and asking to play with this or that.  Katrine’s favourite gifts had to do with skating.  Scott et al. got her a skating ensemble for her new dress up doll.  Of course, Lily had to put it on right away and head out for her first skating lesson.  Did you know that dolls can learn to go forward, backward, jump, spin and spiral the first time that they put on skates?  Kind of makes you wonder why we don’t just have them do the routines.  I mean, think of how much you would save in terms of costumes and skates (they never grow) let alone coaching.  She also got  a Barbie skating costume which was immediately housed in her new Zucca skating bag which was nicknamed Zucci.  I bet that she will be the only skater at either arena with a nicknamed Zucca bag.  Elspeth got the most played with toy though.  Scott et al. got her a simple remote control car.  Well didn’t she and all the rest of them have that thing driving around and smashing into things.  Not sure how long it will survive a two year old but it certainly has made her smile thus far.

My Grandma told me that six pence pieces were lucky. My parents had a "lucky" necklace made for each of the girls. Charles got dinosaur stuff.
Katrine with skater Lily and "Zucci" (that is what she is sitting on)

It is done! And…snow…hmmm

Okay, I am so excited that I simply have to share this.  I finally finished the dress for Katrine’s solo.  I had to redo the white parts about three times and then discovered that the sequins looked bad sewn on so picked them off and glued each on individually but I am SOOO proud of it. Now, anyone know where is the best place to get a sparkly red scrunchy?

Blinged out Annie-style















Now onto the snow.  Today we got enough snow for it to be called a snow day and Elspeth’s first real experience with snow in all of her life (aside from the few minor flurries that we have had).  As you can see in the photos, our playsession got off to a slow start.  Basically fear and a strong need to be held up and away from this wierd cold, white stuff.  By the end of our time outside, she had graduated to walking through the snow to see what Katrine was up to and picking up a kiddie snow shovel.  Not a bad start but we definetely have some work to do.

"Mom, you're kidding me right? Fun? Don't believe you."














Christmas: Round 3 (& 4)

Merry Christmas to those celebrating.

Round 3:

Katrine excitedly introduced Elspeth in to the world of stockings this morning.  I think that they were as eager to see what each other received as what they themselves got.  Then breakfast (had to introduce Elspeth to the Tomlinson tradition of Stoc**ng Stuffer lottery tickets and peameal bacon…mmmm…nothing says merry Christmas like fried pig in the morning).  Next our own gifts.  Favourites?  Glenn got me a cute stuffed cow as I was born in the year of the cow yet oddly enough did not count a cow among my stuffy collection and my new Dance connection game (I promise to act silly even more and try to get in better shape, anyone want to join in?).  Glenn got two puzzles which the girls had created/coloured.  Katrine is now the proud owner of an ipod shuffle which Santa had loaded, quite miraculously, with most of her favourite tunes…how did he know?. She also loves her new dress up doll named Lily who is currently tucked into bed with her.  Elspeth’s favourite gift today had to be her water table.  Took her a while to figure out what it was and accept that it was okay to get water on the floor but once we crossed those hurdles she was off and running.

After gifts, the girls put on their Christmas dresses which matched at Katrine’s insistance and headed off to church.  The rest of the day was spent playing with our gifts. Decorating Baby Jesus’ birthday cake (have to try and keep the meaning to the day somehow and which kid doesn’t enjoy a good birthday party). And enjoying turkey with Grammy.

Round 4 will be an afternoon party with Glenn’s extended family.  Then we have a few days to rest up…aside from skating of course; before heading to my parents for Hogmany and our final Christmas.  I think that we all need this little break between festivities.

Hope that all of you had a wonderful day.

Potty time…and Baby Jesus has an outing

Before any of you get your hopes up, Elspeth has not yet joined the ranks of toilet user.  I thought for a while there that we were making headway by putting Dora underwear under her diaper ( You know, Dora wants to stay dry.) and giving an M&M upon success.  Nope!  We are still at the sit, do nothing, get up and dressed, pee, ask for candy stage.  That said, she has begun to show an interest in mothering her stuffed animals.  As you can see from the photo, it appears that stuffies use the potty in a much different manner than people.














Now about Baby Jesus.  We have a plastic nativity set so that it can be touched, played with and enjoyed.  If we are lucky, it will also translate into some acqusition of the Christmas story but then again maybe not.  As you can see there was some trouble in Bethlehem this afternoon.  A force of nature, hereafter refered to as Hurricane E, joyfully explored all of the wonders that the town offered.  E was unaware of the way that it was changing the natural landscape or disturbing the lives of the people and animals on the nearby land.  Once building escaped damage.  A lowly manger.  Its two inhabitants, a man and woman, were unharmed…as if they were being watched over by an angel.  They were a bit worried though.  It seems that E had scooped up their new baby and taken him off into the wide world.  A gruelling search turned up the child nestled in E watching cartoons on the other side of the basement.

Perhaps nestled was not the most appropriate choice of words.















Now please do not worry.  The Baby Jesus was returned safely to his parents and continues to be guarded by both star and angel.  The wise men have resumed their journey and the shepards have sought heavenly protection as they venture back up into the hills with their flocks.  All of the animals are now sleeping having agreed that it was quite a day.


Skinny Pants

Usually I use this blog to give you all updates about how the kids are doing with the occasional news about the rest of us.  Here is the traditional portion of the update:  Katrine’s mini solo for the competition in two weeks is looking pretty good…if she could just figure out what to do with her hands on her one foot spin it would be looking great.  Elspeth has 51 words and is now able to walk down the stairs unaided.  Glenn still enjoys football and is going to see Penn and Teller tomorrow.  I am already counting down the days until I can put my Christmas decorations up.  Okay, now that is done and I won’t feel guilty about the rest of the post.

Help!  Elspeth is doing great growing, gaining weight and there in lies the problem.  She has grown enough that the size 12 to 18 month pants are too short.  Let her wear 18 to 24 month ones then.  What’s the problem?  She isn’t fat enough.  As you can see in the photos, our wee one has put on weight since we killed off the parasite.  She might even be in the 2.8th percentile now.  I mean, that is up from like the 0.5th percentile so we are happy.  At the same time, she is in the 2.8th percentile meaning that she is a stick.  A cute, huggable stick who now has a bit of pudge on her frame but for the purpose of buying clothes – a stick.

This morning: nope, too wide.  Nope, too wide.  Nope, too wide.  Hey! A friend of mine suggested using a diaper pin the take in the material.  Let’s give it a try.  So taking a pair of leggings in goes the pin until the equivalent of one whole leg has been gathered at the back…oh well, on they go and off we went to the mall.  Now I should explain that there are alot of dresses hanging in little miss’ closet and she is still super cranky in a dress (unless being bribed with presents and candy ala birthday time).  They get in her way on ride on toys. Let in the wind in the stroller.  They mean she has to wear her super cute fleece suit in the morning.  None of these are big selling points for dresses and I am not feeling up to re-altering all of the pants that were originally altered for Katrine so off we went shopping.

One store had toddler pants with adjustable waists.  The ones available for this season were selling for $45.00 a pair.  Yep, that is more than most of my pants cost and these are pants that will be grown out of quickly.  That goodness I managed to find two pairs on the clearance rake at $15.oo each.  They may not be this season’s style but she’s two.  Seriously though, Elspeth is going to need to start liking dresses or I am going to have to do a lot more shopping (ugh).  Maybe we can just fatten her up on all of the Halloween candy so that her clothes fit.  Sigh.

Two outings

A cute Halloween spider to start us off.









It has been a busy two days for us.  Yesterday I sprung Katrine from school in the afternoon (surprising conduct for me I know) so that we could go to watch the Skate Canada International competition in Mississauga.  We got to see the ladies and pairs short programs.  Katrine loved the ladies dressed.   She particularly liked watching Elizaveta Tuktamisheva, the 14 year old Russian skater.  She couldn’t believe that this awesome skater is just 7 years older than her.  During intermission we were walking to get snacks and saw a pair from the Chinese team warming up.  Katrine thought that was pretty cool.  A pair from where she was born skating where she lived and she got to see them.  I have to say that the pairs were awesome.  Wow!  I am so glad that Katrine is so ticklish and likely won’t ever be a pairs skater because man do those girls fly.  Pretty and spectacular when it is not my kid.  The only thing that disappointed Katrine was that she didn’t get to see Patrick Chan skate.  She has a bit of hero worship going on there.  Watching Katrine’s reaction to the ladies was really fun for me because it reassured me that all of the time we spend at the rink is what she wants.  I mean look at the photo and you will see it.

Oh ya, she also woke up and got dressed before 6:30 because she was "just too excited."















This afternoon we decided to try something new and headed out to the Community Safety Village.  The safety village is an awesome place for a school field trip because there are a lot of opportunities for them to learn safety rules, like the kids apply safety rules while driving battery powered jeeps around kid sized rodes.  That said, I was not sure what to expect with it being a community event.  Was kind of hoping that they would walk away having met a police officer, played in the village and got one piece of candy.  It was so much better.  There was a wagon ride which was the first time Elspeth has ever seen horses up close.  Then there was a craft area, Dora cartoons, all of the decorations and a Haunted House…and that was just inside.  Outside there were the various community helper mascots (which scared Elspeth but delighted Katrine), the parks, a maze, bouncy castles, fire truck AND trick or treating at each of the little village houses.  It was awesome as it gave Elspeth a chance to experience trick or treating in day light before we try it on Monday night.  She parroted “tick” at the first house and then her eyes bugged out when she was given candy.  After that she was sold.  “Tick, tick, tick”  I hope that she has as much fun at tomorrow’s party and Monday night but if not, at least she had today.

After we got home we did the whole pumpkin thing.  Katrine was an awesome big sister.  She assumed the role that my brother held – pumpkin gut handler- reaching right in to the pumpkin and tearing the guts out with her hands.  She even convinced neat freak Elspeth (seriously, she complains if there is a mark on her hand still) to touch a small bit of the inners.  What an awesome big sis.  So proud of her.









"Seriously, you want me to touch the inside of that thing?"
"Maybe you are not crazy. This isn't too bad."
"Ya know, if one spoon is good; then two will be awesome!"
Look at her grabbing the guts. I hated that as a kid. So proud of her for not being girly like me.
"Now we have to play with the guts."

We are skating!!!

Well, as you all expected we have already had Elspeth in skates.  Check out the photos below.  She was thrilled to be on the ice just like her big sister.  Not really going anywhere yet but standing and making ice angels.

Oh ya, she has also gained weight!  20 pounds!!!!! As well as another 2 cm.  Yippee!  If only her feet would grow we could get her single blade skates.

I'm ready! Hurry up mom!
Her feet are blurry from sliding them across the ice.

A new skill to make you smile

Not much to this post but it should put a smile on your face.  Elspeth showed off a new skill today.  It was long pant weather in the morning but was forecasted to be short weather by lunch so when dressing her I grabbed a pair of shorts and left them downstairs for her to change into.  Well, the picture shows it all.

They were also on backwards. Makes a mother proud.













Later she tried to put her legs in the sleeve of a shirt. Happy Tuesday!

Another turkey and some adorable pandas

Today we had the pleasure of celebrating our second Thanksgiving, this time with Glenn’s side of the family.  Of course that meant more turkey and all of the fixings with the exception of pumpkin pie.  Tonight’s dessert instead were the most adorable cupcakes which left our house smelling of cake (this might require me to either go and buy more flour so that I can make Heather-friendly cake or go and buy Heather-friendly cupcakes, it smells that good).  As you can see in the photo below they really are the cutest little panda bears.  All thanks to the creative genius of the other Heather (yes, 2 Heathers, 1 family).  Everyone else loved them…birthday girl, hmm.  Let’s say they faired better than Saturday’s pie.  This time she ate the nose and arms and legs after which she stared at it somewhat suspiciously.  Sigh, I wonder what her reaction will be to the McCains cake she’ll get on Thursday for her actual birthday?  Perhaps, Glenn and Katrine will end up eating most of that cake too.

Elspeth has figured out presents though.  This time when they were put infront of her she dove right in to tearing off the paper.  It  was funny, when she got to the package holding clothes she tore off the corner and then shook her head.  As if to say, if it ain’t toys I don’t want to waste my time opening it.  This weekend she got some lovely things.  She’ll play with them and I will enjoy a wee bit of rest because I will not be dreaming up tons of things for her to do.












Gotta get to the leg first!



















How is she doing is a question that we frequently get.  I think that this will sum it up.  Today she got upset when Katrine tried to look at her new birthday toys and covered them with her little arms saying “mine” (well, that was what she was aiming for).  She also saw Katrine hugging Glenn and got quite insistent that he come and give her a hug to.   Aaah, sibling jealousy.  It can only mean that she is getting more attached to us.  We welcome you.

Here are just some photos for you to enjoy.  I had to put up the ones with the do-dads in her hair as this is the first weekend that Elspeth has allowed them to stay in her hair for longer than a few seconds.  Also celebrating the fact that she actually has some hair in which clips can be put.

The clips stayed in for about 30 minutes as she chopped fruit with Grandpa.
Only about 5 minutes this time but hey, a photo with a smile is still worth posting.
So you can get your Katrine fix too.