We had our final Christmas celebration of the year and some more snow fun up at my parents. We went up a few days before my brother’s family to get in some extra visiting and snow play. Elspeth did much better in the snow this time. As you can see, she actually laughed, walked in it, touched it and rode on a sled. I think that if I take some snow toys out the next time it snows up here (all of our snow melted while we were up north) she will like it even more. While Elspeth napped one of the afternoons, my dad drove Katrine and I over to the Wye Marsh. The trails were not ready for cross country but they let us try out some snow shoes. Now that was fun. The woods were gorgeous with chunks of icy snow caking the branches. It was great exercise and just a wonderful mini-date with my Katrine.

Scott, Sarah and the kids showed up on New Years Eve and after some more outside time we dove into the presents. It is amazing seeing the cousins admiring what each got and asking to play with this or that. Katrine’s favourite gifts had to do with skating. Scott et al. got her a skating ensemble for her new dress up doll. Of course, Lily had to put it on right away and head out for her first skating lesson. Did you know that dolls can learn to go forward, backward, jump, spin and spiral the first time that they put on skates? Kind of makes you wonder why we don’t just have them do the routines. I mean, think of how much you would save in terms of costumes and skates (they never grow) let alone coaching. She also got a Barbie skating costume which was immediately housed in her new Zucca skating bag which was nicknamed Zucci. I bet that she will be the only skater at either arena with a nicknamed Zucca bag. Elspeth got the most played with toy though. Scott et al. got her a simple remote control car. Well didn’t she and all the rest of them have that thing driving around and smashing into things. Not sure how long it will survive a two year old but it certainly has made her smile thus far.