Here in photos is the fun that we had this past week before the snow melted away.
Category: Family
The tree is up, the tree is up!!!!
The Christmas season is officially here with the arrival of our decorations. The girls are really into it and were a great help. I am so glad that they enjoy Christmas traditions.

Amidst the snowflurries, we got the outdoors done. My parents found us a really cute skating snowman for our lawn which was a nice surprise for the girls. We also added some garlands to the bushes. You won’t see them at night but hey they will look good during the day. Very festive; especially with the added snow on the grass. We have not yet settled on Christmas lights – as in where and how many – so we are not fully done and will need to get cracking on rectifying that next weekend.
Then Glenn went and picked up his mom so that she could help us to decorate our trees. Yes, two of them. The upstairs one is all breakable ornaments including my Nana’s small bulbs and a chain that my grandpa made from cigarette wrappers. It is really shiny and makes it feel very festive. When we add in a fire it will really feel like Christmas.
We finished the downstairs tree as we watched the santa claus parade and munched on pizza and veggies. It is a family tree. My favourite ornaments are those which were hand made. I have a wee toilet roll drum that I made as a kid. Glenn has a bell made by his grandma. Then there are the ones for our wedding and trips to China but the best are those from the girls. As pretty as the upstairs tree is, the downstairs tree makes my heart sing – it sings Family.
A Festive Reunion
Complications prevented us from having a reunion with Elspeth’s China family this summer. This past weekend everything aligned and a wonderful reunion was had by three…Glenn was sick so had to miss out.
We began the day with lunch out with one of Elspeth’s sisters. The two are adorable together. As a side bonus, we got to see noodles being made. Stunk like flour but was pretty cool to watch. Plus when he was done I had one happy girl with a bowl full of noodles and another happy girl with a “sister”.
From there it was off to the party at a house already decked out in festive splendor. The kids were super pumped when they saw the tree set up in the corner and the gifts underneath.

The kids played and smiled. Lots of laugh and building that sense of family. Once desserts was done, the kids finally got their hands on the presents. I love seeing children’s faces on Christmas. The anticipation in that moment before they unwrap, followed closely by the wonder and joy when they see what is hiding under the wrapping paper.
Thank you to all of our ‘family’ who made it such a special night!

This is what the girls woke up to on Halloween morning. I had wanted to do something more spook-tacular with breakfast but hey, there is always next year!
Off to school they went with their party goodies and fair weather costumes. A great time was had by both. They came home full of stories of treats eaten, costumes and other fun stuff. Elspeth also came home with rainbows painted on her cheeks and a blue “necklace” on her neck. She was right proud of them. Took two baths to scrub the blue necklace off properly. Guess that is what soap is for.
After an appropriately planned dinner of soup and grilled cheese it was time to set out the pumpkins. As you can see from my photo of the girls on the porch in their cold, rainy costumes (Yup, memories of last year), we only have one pumpkin. That is because Katrine’s jack-o-lantern had a wee….well rather prounounced mishap on its way to the porch. It slipped from Katrine’s hands and broke. Never fear, as this photo was being taken Baba, aka Mad Pumpkinologist, broke out the tools to resurrect said pumpkin. It later joined the group outdoors as Frankenpumpkin. (I don’t have a photo yet but will try to put one up soon).

One of Elspeth’s friends joined us for some of the trick or treating which was fun. Elspeth because she had a friend to compare goodies with and Katrine because she got extra loot with the two wee ones in tow. We came home cold and tired to warm cups of cocoa and too much sugar. A fun Halloween.
Skating Update
Just thought that it was about time to give everyone an update on Katrine’s skating. She has been working hard this fall to get adjusted to being a competitive skater – learning what it means to focus, how much effort is needed on a daily basis, how to effectively prepare for a competition, how to follow up your skate and critique your video. Who knew how many new things there were to learn!
It has also been a change for us in that only one of us has attended each competition as opposed to our previous family affair. I have discovered how difficult it is waiting to here how everything went. It really is no better being the parent who waits at home than the one sitting in the stands watching it unfold. This means that we only have one person taking video so there are no current photos of her skating. 🙁
Anyways, this past weekend Katrine went to Sectionals. It was her best skate thus far this season and she landed her personal best score which placed her 7th in her flight (also her highest finish to date). Really proud of her.
‘Twas the Night Before Halloween…
….and all through the kitchen, two girls were bustling about. They coloured and glittered, painted and planned all before the real fun began. Carving pumpkins!! Isn’t that one of the best parts of the pre-Halloween build up? I know that they really enjoyed it as did we. I am the official scooper assistance which is hilarious because growing up it was Scott who was the official scooper. I mean, ugh – pumpking guts. Katrine shares my aversion but Elspeth got in there and it looks like I may have an assistant next year!!! I however, do not enjoy the actual carving. That is a Glenn job and he does it well. Anyways, it was fun all around.
On Tuesday there was a Halloween party and parade at Sparks. Elspeth was full of smiles all of the way to and from Sparks. Upon entering the house she ran to find her Baba because she simply HAD to show him her loot. I loved their craft. They made Halloween lanterns and Elspeth is so looking forward to carrying it. That said, I am fully expecting that which ever one of us goes out with the kids will end up carrying it after about two houses.
Halloween has begun
What a lovely day it was today. Lots of sunshine, a touch of breeze and the shower was in the morning so it was awesome.
We enjoyed an afternoon out with a friend and his kids at our local Safety Village for some trick or treating. The candy was great but the girls enjoyed the cotton candy and free book even more. I am delighted that that free book was high up there.
We had to park quite far away from the village but the walk was wonderful. The girls were thrilled at the amount of fallen leaves all around. The ran through them, threw them at each other and just generally had fun. Made me wish that there were a few more mature trees around our house.
Officially a Spark
Elspeth’s Big Show
This afternoon was Elspeth’s big show with the band. Unfortunately, her teacher broke an ankle and Elspeth had to cope with a substitute. That said, the substitute is a totally lovely woman who was very patient. However, she doesn’t flourish so Elspeth did her show but didn’t flourish. She looked adorable and was pretty proud of herself even without the flourishing. Not bad for 9 months of lessons.
My baby is 5
Three short years ago we held Elspeth for the very first time and today she is 5. She had a wonderful day and we enjoyed it with her. That said, I am a bit sad because today reminded me of that time we missed. Anyways, enough sad talk. It really was a great day.

Elspeth requested last night that she be allowed to start the day with donuts. So once we were all up and organized we headed out to Tims. Of course, the downside of a sugar protein-less breakfast are the mood swings which hit. Thankfully a lunch of leftover ham went a long way to curing that problem.
Donuts were followed by presents. The favourite BY FAR was Katrine’s gift – a giant Penguin. Now, Katrine saw this penguin back in August when we were out once day and begged me to go back and buy it because Elspeth simply had to have it for her birthday. So off I dutifully went one evening and after a month and a half the penguin finally made it out of the cupboard. He was greated with shreaks of join and spent the rest of the day being loved on. Elspeth is beside herself happy that her penguin family now has a daddy.
Glenn’s family joined us for Thanksgiving tonight and this time it was turkey and all of the fixings minus the pies. In honour of Elspeth’s birthday we had cake. Yup, when offer ice cream, fruit, cookies, any number of suggestions which were offered; she insisted on cake. I got smart and went with Glenn’s favourite figuring at least someone would eat it. Well thank you McCain. Tonight’s cake hit the spot and was enjoyed by all with the exception of me.
Of course, dinner was followed by more gifts and oohs and aahs. Before she finally had to take off her Elsa dress and get ready for school. Tomorrow she gets to be special helper AND go to Sparks so it will be a great day.