We have a visitor in one of the bird houses hanging from the tree out front. You will have to look closely and you will be able to see the tail.
Category: Family
Getting you caught up
Last week was Elspeth’s spring concert. She really got into it this time. Doing all of the actions, belting out the tune. Maybe it was the fact that she got to wear her penguin hat (she really loves that hat). We were two proud parents sitting in the audience that night.
That was followed by Glenn’s birthday. The girls tried to bake a cake for him but some one (hehehe oops) bought the wrong chocolate. It looked yummy but taste….gross. Thank goodness I had bought a back up cake because you can never be sure how a gluten free goodie will turn out the first time that you try the recipe. He had a happy birthday inspite of the cake situation.
Just yesterday Elspeth had her final Spark meeting of the year….until September that is. She is not looking too happy in the photo because she is sad that Sparks is ending and some of her friends are leaving. Highlights of that night’s meeting were her new badge and getting the mug that she painted on a troop outing (she did a great job on the mug if I do say so myself).
There you have it. You are now up to date.
Enjoying the sunshine
That is pretty much what we have been up to aside from school and work that is. We decided to get a start on our garden and planted seeds. First it is a new adventure but also it is exciting to know that if they grow we will have a garden full of the things that the girls want to eat.
Miss E has been out and about on her scooter as well as practising a bit (needs even more practise). She has come up with a pretty creative way to get her scooter home when she is too tired to scoot.
Miss K recently participated in Scientists in the School (Love that program). Her group created this really cool book table. They did a great job too. It can hold up to 35 books. She couldn’t stop talking about how much fun she had.
Crazy Hat Day
A Relax Birthday
Yes, I had an extremely relaxed birthday this year and it wasn’t even my birthday. Our Miss K turned 11. Instead of having a party at home we opted to have one out of the house. Miss K decided that frozen yogurt was just the ticket. This meant that all I did was stand there, enjoy and take pictures. Where was Glenn and Miss E? Why at a skating competition and then out for some Baba-daughter time much to both girls’ delight.
Once the guests had arrived it was time for games like move the candies from cup to cup with a straw and guess the flavour. These girls were competitive. They chose some of the more complex flavours in attempts to confuse their neighbor like pistachio and tart. I mean, I don’t even know how to describe the flavour of tart other than tart.
Now came the best part of the whole part – waffles with yogurt and toppings. As you can see the girls took the whole yogurt and toppings things to a whole new level while I settle for a simple, plain yogurt. Miss K was tickled when she got a candle in a waffle. Yup, no cake this year just overloaded waffle-yogurt goodness and a happy birthday girl.
To make it all better, we had all three grandparents and two aunts here to celebrate with a barbeque. Cake? Nope. The birthday girl chose a frozen cookies and cream pie. As you can tell from the photo, she was thrilled with her gifts and ranked the whole day as AWESOME!
Happy Easter
What a fun weekend. We went to visit my parents in honour of my mom’s birthday and Easter. The girls were tickled pink that their grandma loved the Chinese style mixed fruit cake that they had picked out for her, and Grandma was delighted that her grandkids chose something specifically for her birthday.
The next morning brought a lot of sun for the Lion’s Club egg hunt. Once the faces were painted, tattoos applied and balloon bunnies secured all that was left to do was wait for the whistle and then start the hunt. Poor Katrine pulled her groin when skating on Thrusday so she moved much slower than usual. That said, there were so many eggs she had no problem getting some. After some treats it was time to relax (or if you are Katrine put your leg up and ice.). The weekend drew to a close with Easter baskets, egg hunt and some gifts. We came back home with two happy girls.

One of the highlights was looking over at the coffee table and seeing a basket of eggs. Nestled in the basket were some eggs that brought back memories. I remember Scott and I decorating them with rub on decals. Made me smile. Happy Easter!
Say hello to my ukulele!
Thursday we had a very excited little girl on our hands. Thursday marked the first day of her ukulele lessons. When I picked her up at after school care, she literally ran in and out of the classroom crying “It’s music class, it’s music class today.” This continued until she was actually sitting down with her instructor. I think that the picture can clearly express just how excited she was.
Once the class started she settled right down and focused. Since the class she has been practising with Glenn. We have a two month trial and we will see how it goes from there.
Easter Eggs
Usually we dye hard boiled eggs before Easter and then the girls take them to school that week for lunch. This year we are doing something different. When I was out with a friend last night I found a hard boiled egg model. The box claimed that when you put a hard boiled egg in what would come out was a hard boiled egg chick. I simply had to purchase one so that we could give it a try.
Okay, here we go. Obviously the first step is to boil the eggs and then cool. Okay, pretty straight forward. Can do!
Then peel the egg and squish with the mold. The girls really liked that part. Place in ice water for a few minutes.
Final step, open and plop out your chick before adding the feet because who wants a footless chick.
The only question remaining is, should they eat the head or butt first?
Our March Break…better late than never
Okay, I spent the first part of the break with a double ear infection but that didn’t stop us from having fun.
Glenn did some skiing with the girls. They were thrilled to finally get out on their skis. Then they topped it off with hot chocolate and marshmallows. What is better than that?
Elspeth had a birthday party on the Sunday. She had fun with a friend and got to go rock climbing. A super fun way to kick off the break for her. Katrine kicked off the break by participating in a workshop with Kurt Browning!!!! Kurt Browning!!!!! I think that we were equally as excited about it. Her cherry on top of the sundae was swimming that evening.
The rest of the break was a blur of playdates for the girls and some early evenings for me. It ended on a high note with an Easter egg hunt. Enjoy the photos.
Ten Year Gotchaversary
Ten years!! Ten whole years! It is hard to believe that ten years ago today Glenn and I woke up as a couple and went to sleep as parents. It was a long awaited day for us, the end of a journey that had many unexpected twists that had served to lead us to this place where we couldn’t have been happier to be. For our Miss Katrine…perhaps no so anticipated or longed for.  The end of our journey to each other marked the beginning of our journey as a family. For all of us, definitely emotional.

We were blessed to have the opportunity to share this portion of our journey with a truly wonderful group of people. That day both our smaller family and larger family were formed and bonded together. Different stories becoming forever linked. The girls (and boy and subsequent siblings) who are part of Katrine’s China family are all unique but all important to each other. When they are together they make each other laugh and smile….they are family. That day in Nanning we were very lucky to gain not only our eldest but also the honour of touching and being touched by each of their lives.

Ten years ago, Glenn and I were sitting in the Gotcha Room. He restlessly set up and adjusted the video camera so it would be just right while I was shaking and crying. Then we heard them, the cries and baby sounds. Our children were just outside. It was torture to wait those few brief moments while the official walked in and gave a speech about how the children would come to love and accept us if we were patient and kind. It was the nicest kind of torment when the babies began arriving and we got to witness the birth of many other families and then, there she was. Full head of hair, chubby cheeks and red sweatshirt. Our Katrine. Our baby.

Then she was in my arms and I was a mom, Glenn a dad, us a family. Just like that. What did we do? Well, snuck off to our little slice of corner and tuned everyone out. When Glenn held her it made my heart happy.  Katrine was beautiful. More beautiful that we had ever dreamed and for some reason, we were going to have the honour of parenting her.
Every Gotcha Day since then we have taken photos of us. Looking back, it is amazing to see just how much she has grown. (We are missing 2012 as that is the year she had scarlet fever, poor mite.)