First Skating Competition of the Season

So this afternoon (after skating class this morning mind you), we all piled into the car and drove up to Georgina for the KIS Invitational skating competition.  Before I go further I have to tell you that it was really well organized and ran very smoothly.  They also had a nice lobby attached to the rink where Katrine was skating which helped to corral Elspeth while we waited for Katrine’s turn.  They also had the cutest wall of kisses leading to the awards area.  The kisses were organized by club with one kiss for each skater.  You got to write little messages on any of the kisses.  What a creative way to boost club spirit.  At the end, the girls got to take them home.  Katrine’s is already hanging up on her wall.

This time Katrine was doing “big girl” elements.  This is basic moves like the past two years but instead of a group of girls being on the ice together and doing each move in turn, the girls did a sort of mini program with the moves strung together but without music.  Katrine’s group was pretty darn good and there were some cute skaters (one little girl was dressed up as Dorothy completed with ruby slipper boot covers!)  Anyways, Katrine surprised us all and took first in her group.

And how do you celebrate winning first at skating?  Go skating.  Yes, this evening saw Katrine and some friends skating at a local PJ Skate dressed up in comfy pjs.  She had a blast.  I however did not fair so well having fallen quite hard on my hip when a girl wiped out in front of me.  I think that I will be very sore decorating the tree tomorrow.

Then to finish off, a few fall photos for you to enjoy.

Wall of kisses
Cute in pjs.

Cold morning at the marsh lands near our house.

And so begins winter…

A bitter wind was blowing as we stepped out of the house to head for the bus today.  Along with it came light snow flurries.  Walking along in it I had a few thoughts: yeah, winter is coming. Die mold die!  This was quickly followed by; this is the first snow that Elspeth has ever seen.  What is she thinking?  Katrine practically ran off the bus to tell me that it was snowing and to excitedly point out the flakes to her sister.

To me the snow marks the beginning of the Christmas season, even though it doesn’t officially begin until the last Sunday of November (which is the first Sunday in Advent).  I have already got some simple decorations up in an attempt to gently introduce Elspeth to the concept of Christmas.  However, on Sunday it will really begin with the parade, tree, lights.  Her first Christmas.  I have already taken her to visit Santa once.  She was terrified and wouldn’t let go of my top so I got stuck in the photo to.  She did enjoy the candy cane and has been looking for “hohoho” in books ever since.  Maybe she will end up liking Christmas as much as Katrine and I.

Bass Pro Shop starts their Santa early and raises money to rehabiliate fish in Lake Simcoe. I have a feeling we will be seeing alot of this Santa while Elspeth learning Santa is not evil. Maybe on our next visit he will pass the highfive test.


A Katrine Post

Okay, I have put up so many Elspeth updates that I felt it was time for a Katrine update.  What’s new with her?  Well, she has her first skating competition on the same weekend as the Toronto Santa Claus Parade so I am hoping that they are not at the same time because it would be horrible if my tree didn’t go up then (just to me that is).  She is doing a new style of basic moves competition but it is a sort of pre-cursor to her getting a solo.  It is also her first competition as a StarSkater, which just means that she has moved up a level.  She is excited because she is going to get to wear more make-up and glitter.  Another big skating change is that Katrine will be skating twice more a week until at least Christmas.  The plan is to have her continue after the break if she can still focus at school, get all of her work done and doesn’t whine too much at getting up at 6:15 to be on the ice for 7.  Before you ask, yes this is something that she desperately wants to do so we are giving it a try.  The place where she will be skating is where she went to camp this summer.  It is pretty hard core but she loved camp and is pumped about going back.

Enough about skating.  I thought that you would get a kick out of seeing her newest creation.  She has taken over the book room (the room with the fireplace) and turned it into a school for Elspeth and her doll Jessie/Jessy.  I must say that Jessy seems to get in a lot less trouble than Elspeth given how often I hear their names called.  I guess that is why two year olds don’t go to school yet.

There is a cafeteria where they can buy lunch.
Here is Jessy at recess. It seems at this school you can read, walk a dog or watch TV at recess. Interesting mix.
Jessy certainly keeps her desk neat for one so young.
Jessy even has an agenda with a section for each month and a pocket at the back for notes from home.
Apparently one of the topics they are currently studying is the water cycle.

Some photo fun

We had a wonderful afternoon enjoying the sunshine and company of one branch of our China family.  Once again, birthday wishes to the two wonderful girls for whom the day was arranged.  Enjoy the photos.

Yes, our hosts have their own mini zip line. All of the kids laughed and screamed themselves silly.
Wow! Leaves!
A pair of Sweeties!

Two outings

A cute Halloween spider to start us off.









It has been a busy two days for us.  Yesterday I sprung Katrine from school in the afternoon (surprising conduct for me I know) so that we could go to watch the Skate Canada International competition in Mississauga.  We got to see the ladies and pairs short programs.  Katrine loved the ladies dressed.   She particularly liked watching Elizaveta Tuktamisheva, the 14 year old Russian skater.  She couldn’t believe that this awesome skater is just 7 years older than her.  During intermission we were walking to get snacks and saw a pair from the Chinese team warming up.  Katrine thought that was pretty cool.  A pair from where she was born skating where she lived and she got to see them.  I have to say that the pairs were awesome.  Wow!  I am so glad that Katrine is so ticklish and likely won’t ever be a pairs skater because man do those girls fly.  Pretty and spectacular when it is not my kid.  The only thing that disappointed Katrine was that she didn’t get to see Patrick Chan skate.  She has a bit of hero worship going on there.  Watching Katrine’s reaction to the ladies was really fun for me because it reassured me that all of the time we spend at the rink is what she wants.  I mean look at the photo and you will see it.

Oh ya, she also woke up and got dressed before 6:30 because she was "just too excited."















This afternoon we decided to try something new and headed out to the Community Safety Village.  The safety village is an awesome place for a school field trip because there are a lot of opportunities for them to learn safety rules, like the kids apply safety rules while driving battery powered jeeps around kid sized rodes.  That said, I was not sure what to expect with it being a community event.  Was kind of hoping that they would walk away having met a police officer, played in the village and got one piece of candy.  It was so much better.  There was a wagon ride which was the first time Elspeth has ever seen horses up close.  Then there was a craft area, Dora cartoons, all of the decorations and a Haunted House…and that was just inside.  Outside there were the various community helper mascots (which scared Elspeth but delighted Katrine), the parks, a maze, bouncy castles, fire truck AND trick or treating at each of the little village houses.  It was awesome as it gave Elspeth a chance to experience trick or treating in day light before we try it on Monday night.  She parroted “tick” at the first house and then her eyes bugged out when she was given candy.  After that she was sold.  “Tick, tick, tick”  I hope that she has as much fun at tomorrow’s party and Monday night but if not, at least she had today.

After we got home we did the whole pumpkin thing.  Katrine was an awesome big sister.  She assumed the role that my brother held – pumpkin gut handler- reaching right in to the pumpkin and tearing the guts out with her hands.  She even convinced neat freak Elspeth (seriously, she complains if there is a mark on her hand still) to touch a small bit of the inners.  What an awesome big sis.  So proud of her.









"Seriously, you want me to touch the inside of that thing?"
"Maybe you are not crazy. This isn't too bad."
"Ya know, if one spoon is good; then two will be awesome!"
Look at her grabbing the guts. I hated that as a kid. So proud of her for not being girly like me.
"Now we have to play with the guts."

Mid-October Update

Where to begin?  Okay, had a fabulous mini reunion with some of one branch of our China family in chinatown.  Chinese food, great company, chatty girls.  What more could you ask for aside from the rest of the family.  It is always amazing to watch how the girls are when they are together.  This time, they were so enthusiatic at a Bubble Tea store that the lady invited them to come behind the counter and watch.  They are a really cute group so I can understand being taken in by them.  She also showed them how she gets the juice from sugar cane.  We were really blessed; with both of our adoption journeys we travelled with wonderful people who are a great support system for each other.

Then Elspeth got sick for a while.  Nothing bad but sick enough that it was made crystal clear how new we are to parenting her.  For instance, she is a puker.  Who knew that minor puking could go hand in hand with a stuffed nose?  She also wakes up early, really early.  When I am sick, I do the complete opposite, I sleep.  Katrine wants to eat popsicles no matter what she is sick with.  Elspeth – just wants to play with her food.  What comforts sick Elspeth?  Being carried – EVERYWHERE!  Have you ever tried to go to the bathroom with a child on your lap?  Not fun. (Yes, feel free to laugh her.  It really is absurd but after an hour of inconsolable child ones gotta do what ones gotta do).

On the Katrine front things are going well.  She continues to love being over programmed, and we keep hoping that she will realise it is too much and ask to quit something.  No luck so far.  She is going to compete in her first StarSkate competition in November.  She’s competed before so whats the big deal you ask.  Well, this time around it is harder because instead of doing moves in isolation she needs to do them in a sequence.  Sort of like a mini program without music.  Katrine is loving skating right now and even tried to negotiate with us to go skating and trick or treating on the same night until we convinced her that we could not stop time or make her be in two places at once.  She is a bit bothered that she is the youngest skater in her group and we are hoping that by going to the competition she will meet other skaters her age and feel more confident.

Elspeth is now up to 37 words but don’t try to make her use them.  She prefers to use them when the mood suits her.  There have been some stretches of crying as we work on getting her to consistently communicate using the words and signs that she already has.  That said, she really is making remarkable progress and we are quite proud of how far she has come developmentally.

Talking of how far she has come brings me to a favourite childhood activity for the fall – playing in the leaves.  When the leaves in our neighbourhood first began to change colour, she would have nothing to do with them.  Cried if we put them on the tray of her stroller or set her down to walk through them.  Over the last week she has begun to hold them and tear them into bits or stamp on them with her feet laughing as they crunch.  Today she took it a step further.  After watching Katrine rake the leaves into a pile and jump on them she picked up the plastic rake, raked and then did then same.  Sigh, progress.  Maybe we can get her to roll in them next.

My last piece of news is that yes, I have done seasonal nails again.  They are certainly not professional but they make me happy so enjoy my collection of jack-o-lanterns.

"Look, I can still use chopsticks."
"Had to get the doll into the leaves too."
"You mean, I can throw them into the air too!"
"Five little pumpkins sitting on the gate,..."


A scoot, fall fun and a surprise sister

Okay, before anyone gets excited we are not pregnant.  We have been blessed once again as we have found another of Elspeth’s foster sisters!!  That makes 2 of the four, so two more to go.  Keep your fingers crossed for us.  This is huge news.  Katrine is really close to her “sisters” and I think that the importance of that relationship will continue to grow with time.  I mean, they have walked in each others shoes.  To be able to ensure that Elspeth has that connection to both her three travel group siblings but also the four girls who she shared her foster parents with for almost two years is wonderful.

Now on to the more traditional update:

If you read my previous post about our visit to my brother in Glencoe, you would have seen the photo where Elspeth is sitting on her cousin’s new 4 wheeler looking mighty proud of herself.  Well, she has a new toy…a three wheel scooter.  She can’t really steer yet and tends to simply go around in small circles but she looks mighty cute doing it.  We were really surprised when she stopped just sitting on it and tried to copy her sister and stand on one foot while pushing.  She doesn’t go fast but she does move like the big kids and that’s what counts.

I just sit and push right?










With Thanksgiving right around the corner I thought that I would share some fall fun with you.  We went to the Wild West Fall Fest put on by a local church this past weekend.  Katrine had a blast.  She saw some of her friends there, got her face painted, played games, won candy, did crafts and jumped in bouncy castles.  I mean, what is not to enjoy.  Elspeth was a little more overwhelmed.  As long as I was carrying her or sitting beside her, all was good.  She did seem to like colouring with markers though.  Before coming home we chose a pumpkin (the money went to local school breakfast programs).  Enjoy!

She got her face painted like a "Disco Diva".
Hey, it rolls!

Home a Week

Tonight marks the end of our first week home…its been a long week but productive week.

We were greeted at the airport by some of our China family and it was a really nice way to ease back into reality.  Katrine was thrilled to have a chance to run around and blow off steam with her “sisters”.  The fact that cupcakes were brought in addition to friends made it that much more special.  Then it was time to introduce Elspeth to a Canadian automotive tradition: the car seat.  She was not impressed.  A five point harness is quite different than complete freedom in chinese taxis.  Good thing was that she didn’t last long before falling asleep.  When she woke up it was to her new home and some family waiting on the doorstep.  Introductions were given as she clung to Glenn’s shirt.  Eventually she was coaxed off and began to explore what we are affectionately refering to as Toyapalooza.  She was particularly enamored with the kitchen.  Guests shown to the door, a warm bottle and all four of us were in bed.(well, Glenn and I ordered some late night pizza first.  I mean, keeping the McD’s french fry industry in business leaves one decidely hungry after three weeks)

The next day we got both Elspeth’s SIN and Health Card in her proper Canadian name.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that her permanent resident card also comes that way so that there will be no issues with her citizenship.  We have also gone to visit the doctor, got her parasite tests and TB tests done and I have applied for EI.  Oh and did I mention that poor Glenn woke up the day after we landed with a horrible head cold?  It hit him really hard. Katrine and I have just been battling jet lag while Elspeth is adjusting.  Amongst all of the jobs that have had to get done we have had some fun.  Katrine went to skating classes with daddy twice this week so that she would have a little something that was just for her.  We also introduced Elspeth to the joys of our local parks and splash pads.  As you can see from the photos, she is still adjusting.  She had more fun splashing in one of the puddles left from a rain shower than in the puddles at the splash pad!

She is also adjusting to our house, routine and food.  She is starting to smile more readily as the week has gone on.  She is also starting to be less clingy to me.  Yes, that’s right.  The girl who clung to her Baba for dear life in China, became a Mama’s girl upon arriving in Canada.  So much so that she would want me to hold her while trying to cook and if I put her down or into her booster would throw a fit.  Now though she is seeking out Baba more again which shows that she is beginning to claim her new environment as her own.  She is also making progress in terms of the number of foods she will eat.  Breakfast is by far her most favourite meal.  She will eat a whole clementine, small glass of milk, a scrambled egg and then bowl of oatmeal in one sitting.  Then when I sit down to eat will make little bird noises to indicate her indignation that I am eating and not feeding her.  Of course, she won’t eat my GF toast and bacon but she insists that I offer it to her.  We still have a long road until she is at a more reasonable weight for her age, until she can use speak to indicate what she wants, until she truly feels safe and secure and a part of our family but we are off to a good start.


And we are done!

The fourth, and last, of the missing blog updates from when our computer was blocked in Beijing
August 18th

The title says it all. Originally we had thought to tire the kids out by visiting the zoo tomorrow. Nope, we will be sleeping in and then taking a taxi to Tiannamen Square before walking back here. Today was fun but high UV and HOT. Katrine told us in no uncertain terms that she wants to go home. China is awesome but she wants to go home. The heat sent Elspeth into a fit this morning and she has begun trying to exert her independence around feeding herself. Tantrums are just easier when you are not dealing with them on buses, tourist attractions and hotel lobbies. I think that if Katrine had been an easy baby dealing with Elspeth’s rants would be emotionally exhausting. Now you just wait them out and remind her not to head butt or scratch. When we visited the orphanage they bragged about how independent she was. Great in a regular two year old but we have to regress her so that she learns that she can depend on us for the necessities as a baby does from birth. Unfortunately tonight’s tantrum resulted in her refusing to eat much for dinner because she was not allowed to just feed herself. The plus side is that she is now comfortable enough with us that she can just let it go. Down side, a 13 hour flight tomorrow.

Now onto the good part of the day. This morning we visited the Temple of Heaven. Once again the grounds were beautiful. Spent a lot of time wanting to just let Elspeth lose on the lush green lawns but they are lush and green for a reason…no one is allow on them. We got to watch a variety of groups of senior citizens engaged in morning exercises (once you reach 60 you get free entrance to the grounds and there really are no other gathering places). We saw grandparents teaching their grandsons how to play mahjong, various taichi and dancing groups. One guy just made me laugh, he was standing off to the side of a dance group very elegantly doing the movements with a lit cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Doesn’t the smoke negate the benefits of the exercise?

The Temple itself was gorgeous. Just like in the photos we’d seen. At the same time much more extensive. You see, the emperors never did anything small. Summer Palace – grand. Forbidden City – grand. Temple of Heaven – surprise…grand. Also laid out in a symbolic manner. First the Temple of Earth, followed by the area for ancestor worship, then where the emperor got changed into the clothes of a regular guy because one does not approach heaven with lofty duds on and then the actual Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven was certainly the prettiest portion but the circular lay-out of the Temple of Earth was more visually pleasing to me.

After a much needed rest we went to visit the cathedral on Wangfujing. It was rebuild in 1980 and is quite pretty. It is one of the few state sanctioned Catholic churches in Beijing. Then it was back to the hotel to rest, swim and pack (oh ya, and to have the “you can’t make me eat” tantrum).

The Forbidden City (紫禁城)

This is the third missing post from when our computer was blocked in Beijing
August 17th

Well this morning dawned with our big miss feeling much better. Plus they were serving chicken congee so little miss and myself got to eat some really delicious congee this morning. Yesterday they switched to preserved pork and egg congee. Little miss spit out every piece of egg and pork. In other words, she ate watery rice. Very nutritious for someone who is under weight.

After breakfast we walked as a group over to the Forbidden City. On the way, we passed the building where they actually matched us with our babies. That was pretty cool. I mean, it is really just a plain building to look at from the outside but the inside happenings are what is special.

The Forbidden City was a lot warmer this go round but also a lot more crowded. Elspeth seemed to be fascinated with the buildings. She spent much of the visit pointing here and there making a vocalization which we have come to interprete as “What’s that?”. Katrine was also fascinated. You can tell because she spent the visit taking photos, reading signs and actually looking at things. I know, she wasn’t constantly in motion?? Yep, she looked and learned. I think that Glenn and I enjoyed seeing the Imperial Gardens the most. They were barren in February but now were a wash with green. I think that the most dynamic aspects of the garden were still the rock formations arranged at various spots around the garden.

We headed out after nap time for some shopping therapy. Didn’t buy much though. We did find a few more really cute statues on the side streets. My favourite was of a group of kids playing around with grown-up shoes. If you look closely, you can see that one little fellow is wearing split pants.

This evening our group gathered in the lobby before heading out for tea tasting and the Olympic Village. I was surprised by how interested in the tea tasting Katrine was. She and the other older sister in our group did a great job of watching what the girls were doing as they made each type of tea. Plus, both girls tasted each tea sample. They were however, even more excited to walk around the gift shop after the tasting critiquing which tea sets were the prettiest. As with last time, we ended up buying tea, a new tea set (it has dragons that change colour when hot liquids are poured in) and a peeing boy. We got two boxes of our favourite pu-er type of tea, a nice jasmine tea with a beautiful fragrance, a litchi tea that I can’t wait to try and make into iced tea and then a fruit tea which actually has bits of dried fruit floating in it. I can see that one getting good use for Katrine’s tea parties. Now for the peeing boy. He is really just a little boy made out of clay with a strategically placed hole. When cold water is poured over him – nothing. BUT, if the water is hot enough to make good tea watch out because the boy has a good trajectory. Katrine can attest to that because when the girls demonstrated the boy she got hit in the face.

After we left the tea shop we drove to the Olympic Village. We had driven by it a few times this week during the day and the stadiums are impressive to look at then. Quite grand, doing justice to the fact that they were host to the best athletes in the world for that year. At night though, they are lit up and truly come into their own. The bird’s nest is lit with red and yellow. The lights highlight the crisscross of beams supporting the structure. The water cube however steals the show. During the day the walls look like they are made of silvery pebbles. At night, you can see each blue bubble. The lights really highlight the texture of the walls. Gorgeous. I was also really excited to be able to buy a mug with all of the Fuwas on it. I think that they are among the cutest mascots ever. I use to have a sweatshirt with them all on it, which I adored and in true Heather fashion managed to destroy in a kitchen accident.
We are having a nice time here and finding time each day to work on building our family. We are figuring out how to give Katrine one on one time through both little and larger things. She is getting more use to the fact that she now shares us with another kidlet. Elspeth is accepting me and trusting me more although Glenn is still her centre of security. She is also learning that we do not give in to temper tantrums. Figure that there will be even more of them to come. We are by no means at the end of our learning curve but at least we are moving along as opposed to standing still.