I could have started this post in a number or ways: Happy new year! Happy Birthday to me! Happy report card season! Happy snowy weather! But seeing as how it is the wonderful month of January, I settled on Happy January! (Those of you who have known me for a long time, know how much I love winter…especially January -snow, cold, dead mold, no smog, skating, my birthday = simply awesome.).
We had a really nice Christmas with the exception that Glenn missed out on a lot of the celebrations as he was home sick. Katrine and I escaped his germs by heading up to my parents to celebrate Christmas. It was awesome seeing mom and dad plus my brother’s family. The kids always have a great time when they are together. The fact that my parents had an oodle of snow helped as much as their piles of new toys. After each of our outings, my mom was there plying them with homemade cookies and hot chocolate (in Katrine and Charles’ case lukewarm chocolate).
We took them to the local ice rink one day. Grandpa, Charles and Scott watched as we took to the ice. Katrine had an audience cheering her on as she did tricks; which worked out well as it got her practising her salchow and kept her busy as I skated with Virginia. This was Virginia’s first time out in hockey skates (having just recently out grown her figure skates, these were the only ones in the house which fit). She was nervous to start with but did really well once she got going. She was really proud of herself and rightfully so. Once she had sat down to take a break, Katrine had me skating as part of a pair. Nothing too fancy, stroking holding hands (not really in time with eachother but we tried), changing sides with a flourish, side by side spirals and then the big finish – one foot spins and a bow. It was fun.
Then it was off to the sledding hill which is literally next door to the rink. And what a hill!! They whizzed down, spinning around on their crazy carpets…until Katrine took Charles out at the knees. He was walking up the hill and failed to get out of the way, while her sled had spun her around backwards and she had no idea where she was headed. No one was hurt and Grandma gave them an extra cookie so alls well that ends well.
On our last day there, I took Katrine cross-country skiing at the Wye Marsh. She did really well for her first time on skis. Lasted an hour and a quarter. Plus, became somewhat of an expert at getting up after having fallen. Most importantly, we had fun and I may finally have someone to go cross country skiing with. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Don’t feel to sorry for Glenn though.  We celebrated with his family before he got sick. The whole crew of us went out for hot pot. MMMMMMMM! Then back to his sister’s house for dessert, gifts and a really great visit. Plus, we came home bearing him gifts. The best of which was his very own kilt. It is the same tartan that he wore to our wedding. I must say that he will look darn good in it once it is hemmed (Can you believe that it was too long on him?). I can’t wait to see him in it on Robbie Burns Day later this month.
I will be making my birthday cake tomorrow. I was suppose to order it but the bakery I bought from last year is closed while they move to a larger facility. So, this year is self-serve I am afraid. I am going to take my red velvet cake recipe, leave out the cocoa (allergic-big surprise) and turn it purple instead because purple is a happy colour. Then I will plop a nice, big pile of white frosting on top. It should be delicious as well as pretty.
I wish all of you a fabulous 2011. May it bring us all what we need and at least some of what we desire.

The snow was so soft.

This is Katrine’s new kilt. Grandma T made her the socks. She will be looking good for Robbie Burns this year if she can get past the fact the the socks itch and feel a bit wierd.

This was the present that Katrine made for Santa. She wanted him to feel appreciated because he works so hard to give others stuff.

Here is the obligatory skating photo. I had to put it in because she looks so pulled together in it…which is not always the case.

And this she learned from her cousin Dalia. Yeah for babysitters! Mommy can’t do this. Couldn’t even as a child.

Isn’t the scenery beautiful? I hadn’t been on skis since the winter before Katrine came home.