This has been the week of festive/winter shows. On Wednesday alone there were three and then the last one this morning. It all began with a brief multicultural holiday concert at Katrine’s after school care. The kids were quite good and obviously proud of their hard work. Then a quick kiss and I left her to enjoy the potluck until her father arrived. He got there in time to pick her up, walk her to her classroom and then grab a seat for her show. All of the photos we have of these two performances have other kids in them so I will not be posting them. That said, Katrine and the rest of the group did a fabulous job (I got to see it on video).
While those two were off at Katrine’s concert, I was feeding Elspeth and gettting her ready for her holiday concert. Her class sang Frosty the Snowman. The photos below are of her doing the Thumpity-Thump-Thump part of the song.

This morning was Katrine’s Theater on Ice showcase. It was really well done. She had a blast and did a great job. Again, too many others so no photos. 🙁
To address the lack of Katrine photos in this post I will also tell you that the girls decorated gingerbread houses yesterday afternoon. Enjoy.