It has been an interesting break weather wise with a touch of spring followed by a blast of winter. On the plus side, the girls have had the chance to get in some more snow play while also trying out their new wellies!
I spent two days up north with the girls visiting my parents. En route we were able to squeeze in a all to brief visit with one of Katrine’s China sisters (although Elspeth was waaaay over tired by the time we got there) which is always a treat. Our visit began with dinner by the harbour were the girls admired the lone fishing hut and then goofing around with the pirate who Elspeth affectionately named Captain.
The next day brought some shopping and then outdoor time (They both soooo needed to burn off steam. As much as I love having a week off from the arena, Katrine is missing all of the activity.) Splashing in puddles and climbing snowbanks were the activities of choice all enjoyed in glorious sunshine and polar fleece.
Well, back home today saw a snowstorm just to remind us that it is not yet spring. On went the winter clothes and out we went to play. Bury each other in the snow, build a snow village for the ponies, climb more mounds…until we were all thoroughly forzen and knew that it was hot chocolate time.
Katrine didn’t want to be buried but was more than happy to help bury the two of us and be the officail photographer.
Elspeth managed to craft some snowblobs and bricks but not the desired Olaf-like snowman.
Katrine spent a lot of time digging suitable houses out of the snowbank and ferrying the ponies between them in open air style.