And even more holiday fun

I hurt my back a few days ago doing …who knows what.  It is slowly getting better but the fact that Elspeth is in a “carry me, hold me, hug me” phase is slowing the process.  That aside, you all know how much I love Christmas so hurting or not it was outside for some holiday fun this weekend.

Saturday afternoon saw us heading out to the Community Safety Village for their holiday celebration.  Everything was going good until Elspeth saw the horses wearing Santa hats.  I don’t know if it was the live horses or that they had the hats and she couldn’t reconcile horses with Santa, but she literally climbed up everytime they turned a corner near us.  We are calling it good for bonding but bad for the back.  Aside from that, the girls had a lot of fun decorating cookies, doing crafts and listening to choirs.  We ended it by visiting with Santa.  This visit was a landmark.  It was the first time that Elspeth (who talks about Santa all day) did not freak out when she saw him.  It is the first photo we have gotten where she is not in tears.  If we can get our scanner working I will post it but until then you will have to take my word for it.  We ended the day driving home into the sunset.

Greeting us on our arrival.
An angel....maybe
Before seeing the horses.
The fierce, scary Santa ponies.



























Today it was off to church.  Katrine was thrilled because it was the Sunday school PJ party where they watched Little Drummer boy while eating cookies and hot chocolate with marshmallow (just one big one).  Elspeth did not spend that much time with me in the baby room because we were in the bathroom.  I had forgotten how much fun potty training can be for young ones but who am I to argue with a girl who is determined to be like her big sister and get into underwear (one less diaper is fine with me).  Then while Elspeth was napping, Katrine went to decorate a gingerbread house with her Grammy at Longos.  I think that they did a great job.  Much more patience than I would’ve had.  Katrine actually wants to save it, uneaten, until after Christmas day which is fine by me because we have mounds of candy canes to go through first.








I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend.  Two weeks today is Christmas Day.  Can’t wait. Oh, I almost forgot.  We had Elspeth out on single blades this week.  She can stand! Then she tries to run and falls.  I think that we may need to put the cage back on her helmet.


Elspeth update

Well, it is official.  Our Elspeth is both making remarkable gains and borderline delayed.  Sigh.  I always applauded the dedication of parents who worked to help their children address any delays.  It is one of the first things that I thanked them for in Kindergarten interviews.  Katrine’s Kindergarten years in school and organized daycare showed me first hand how aggravating it can be to advocate for a child that an instructor just doesn’t get because they are not within the mold.  I also got to see first hand how it feels to know that your child is not being programmed for appropriately for a number of potential reasons such as lack of resources, time or just not getting that she is playing you.  Katrine was never delayed.  Elspeth is giving me alot of different insights which I hope will help when I return to work to make me a more compassionate teacher when dealing with parents.  We knew going in to her adoption that she would have delays just not what they were.  Once again we were blessed, she will be fine with time.   That said, this journey is giving me a whole new appreciation for those of you coping with language delayed children.

The way that we play with her is completely different than Katrine at this age.   Most every activity is structured so that she is working on skill X or Y.  For instance, giving her one piece for Mr Potatoe Head and naming it, then having her repeat the name before inserting the piece.  Or, doing a puzzle together where she has to ask for every single piece, or repeat the name of the photo, before getting to do the fun part of actually putting it together.  Have you tried talking in two and three word sentences for a whole day and also doing it almost non-stop?  “Yes.  Plane go.  Plane go sky. Bye plane.  Yes, puppy.  Puppy brown.  Puppy small.  Puppy walk.”  On and on.  Now do that seven days a week.  Thank goodness there is Katrine to break up the insanity of it with her arrival home.  Then I get to talk in a combination of simple sentences and French.  Sigh.  Don’t get me wrong.  Knew what we were getting into.  Just didn’t realise how draining it is to try and think in such simplified speech for such an extended period of time.  To those of you who do this every day, well done.  I finally get it.  The next time I teach one of your children and get frustrated by the fact that they are still working on basic grammar structures, I will pause and remember all of the work that you have done to get them to this point and look for a fresh approach.

Isn’t it amazing what we can learn from our kids?



Some Christmas fun

We played hooky from church today and went out with my parents to have breakfast with Santa.  The highlight for Elspeth was ringing Santa’s bell (while hiding from Santa) and for Katrine it was getting her photo taken with Santa by a SNAP reporter.  It is suppose to be in the paper in January and she is pretty excited about that.  Both girls also got lovely gift bags with homemade cookies which were quickly devoured.

Likes the big guy in theory but only his bell in reality.














The last week has been full of Christmas prep.  Katrine baked some cookies with her Grandma T as her sister looked on.  They have both been crafting up a storm making both decorations and gifts (my apologies if you end up with one of their gifts; they are not useful and they do not necessarily reflect an understanding of your personal tastes but at least they have been crafted with love).  I have been redoing Santa shopping because Katrine changed her mind.  At first she wanted a Fijit and I found a pink one so picked it up.  Then she decided that they were boring and she would rather have an mp3.  Well, on Friday I was out shopping and found a really great deal on an ipod so I guess that Santa will be able to handle the last minute change in plans.  Shopping for Elspeth was almost as stressful because she just had a birthday and really needs nothing.  That said, we found a cool catch-the-bug magnet fishing game for her.  She won’t acutally be able to play according to the rules but it should be fun watching her try to catch the bugs with the fishing rod.

Gluten-dairy free chocolate maccaroons....Mommy's tummy thanks you ladies but my waist line moans.
"Whatcha making?"


















Glenn and I have also been introducing our girls to the joys of non-chocolate containing advent calendars.  You know the ones from our childhood which had little cardboard doors with pictures behind them.  Well we found some on sale for only $2.oo and both girls are super excited to see what is behind the door each day.  This is a pleasure that I remember from when I was little.  My brother and I had a advent calendar in the shape of a Santa.  Now he was super cool because it you pulled on his string his arms and legs moved and he stuck out his tongue.  Anyways, every morning in December we would go to the front hall and open that day’s door.  Him  one day, me the next and so on.  We had the same calendar for years but it never got old.  I think that my brother has it hanging in his house now but it is one of those memories I treasure (pouring over the Sears Wish Book is another because Scott and I would lay side by side with it for hours).  It is neat to share something so low tech with the kids that does not involve even more sugar…goodness knows that they will get more than enough sweets and candy canes.

Christmas aside today is a pretty big day for Elspeth.  It is her first night in a big girl bed!  She has been hooking her leg up on the top of the crib bars and has managed to hoist her little bum almost up to the top so we felt that a move might be a prudent choice.  Converted the crib this afternoon and she was dancing with joy.  You could see the wheels turning as she ran from Katrine’s bed to her new one laughing.  When we added the Dora sheets and comforter she practically squeeled with excitement.  Tonight she lay down, snuggled with her stuffies and went to sleep.  I am sure that once she realises that she can actually get out of bed the real fun will begin.  Hopefully it will be a few more days before that realisation hits.

The face says it all. Not sure how she could sleep on such bright sheets but they were the only ones that had map and he's her favourite.

Some Elspeth news

Okay, first I just want to reassure that our tree is up and looks “pwettie” (to quote Elspeth).  Now for the real reason for this post – Elspeth.

Two days ago our Early Interventionist came for another home visit.  She gave us some great ideas for forcing Elspeth to talk.  For instance, we have now put the puzzle pieces for each puzzle into its own glad screw top container.  That way she has to talk in order to get at the pieces.  Then when she puts it in have her repeat the name of the picture on the piece.  Simple but effective.  She comes back in about two weeks to conduct a more through assessment.

Then yesterday she reached 100 individual words(yes, I am that anal which should be no real surprise).  It is interesting to note that car, plane and tractor were among her first 100 words.  If you remember our post about her cousin Charles’ birthday in September you might recall an extremely satisfied little girl sitting proudly on his new mini ATV.  I am getting a feeling that we may not have too much of a girly girl on our hands.  Although, she does like to put things in her hair and play with stuffed animals.  Hmmm.

You all know that we spend a lot of time outside in the winter skating.  Well, in two weeks the free outdoor skating trail near our house should be open and we will be going…ALL of us.  Yes that’s right, Elspeth actually skated today.  Not far, not with finesse, nor with any speed worth mentioning.  No she can not yet stand up when she falls but she does try to get up.  So cute with her helmet down on the ice, her skates on the ice and her bum up in the air making a little triangle that she can’t get out of without help.  A friend of ours is trying to find an old pair of single blade skates that should be just a bit big for Elspeth so we might try those out in December but really, I don’t care because now that she can move, our family skating outings are safe.  Enjoy our newest little skating piglet.  🙂

And so begins winter…

A bitter wind was blowing as we stepped out of the house to head for the bus today.  Along with it came light snow flurries.  Walking along in it I had a few thoughts: yeah, winter is coming. Die mold die!  This was quickly followed by; this is the first snow that Elspeth has ever seen.  What is she thinking?  Katrine practically ran off the bus to tell me that it was snowing and to excitedly point out the flakes to her sister.

To me the snow marks the beginning of the Christmas season, even though it doesn’t officially begin until the last Sunday of November (which is the first Sunday in Advent).  I have already got some simple decorations up in an attempt to gently introduce Elspeth to the concept of Christmas.  However, on Sunday it will really begin with the parade, tree, lights.  Her first Christmas.  I have already taken her to visit Santa once.  She was terrified and wouldn’t let go of my top so I got stuck in the photo to.  She did enjoy the candy cane and has been looking for “hohoho” in books ever since.  Maybe she will end up liking Christmas as much as Katrine and I.

Bass Pro Shop starts their Santa early and raises money to rehabiliate fish in Lake Simcoe. I have a feeling we will be seeing alot of this Santa while Elspeth learning Santa is not evil. Maybe on our next visit he will pass the highfive test.


Some photo fun

We had a wonderful afternoon enjoying the sunshine and company of one branch of our China family.  Once again, birthday wishes to the two wonderful girls for whom the day was arranged.  Enjoy the photos.

Yes, our hosts have their own mini zip line. All of the kids laughed and screamed themselves silly.
Wow! Leaves!
A pair of Sweeties!

Two outings

A cute Halloween spider to start us off.









It has been a busy two days for us.  Yesterday I sprung Katrine from school in the afternoon (surprising conduct for me I know) so that we could go to watch the Skate Canada International competition in Mississauga.  We got to see the ladies and pairs short programs.  Katrine loved the ladies dressed.   She particularly liked watching Elizaveta Tuktamisheva, the 14 year old Russian skater.  She couldn’t believe that this awesome skater is just 7 years older than her.  During intermission we were walking to get snacks and saw a pair from the Chinese team warming up.  Katrine thought that was pretty cool.  A pair from where she was born skating where she lived and she got to see them.  I have to say that the pairs were awesome.  Wow!  I am so glad that Katrine is so ticklish and likely won’t ever be a pairs skater because man do those girls fly.  Pretty and spectacular when it is not my kid.  The only thing that disappointed Katrine was that she didn’t get to see Patrick Chan skate.  She has a bit of hero worship going on there.  Watching Katrine’s reaction to the ladies was really fun for me because it reassured me that all of the time we spend at the rink is what she wants.  I mean look at the photo and you will see it.

Oh ya, she also woke up and got dressed before 6:30 because she was "just too excited."















This afternoon we decided to try something new and headed out to the Community Safety Village.  The safety village is an awesome place for a school field trip because there are a lot of opportunities for them to learn safety rules, like the kids apply safety rules while driving battery powered jeeps around kid sized rodes.  That said, I was not sure what to expect with it being a community event.  Was kind of hoping that they would walk away having met a police officer, played in the village and got one piece of candy.  It was so much better.  There was a wagon ride which was the first time Elspeth has ever seen horses up close.  Then there was a craft area, Dora cartoons, all of the decorations and a Haunted House…and that was just inside.  Outside there were the various community helper mascots (which scared Elspeth but delighted Katrine), the parks, a maze, bouncy castles, fire truck AND trick or treating at each of the little village houses.  It was awesome as it gave Elspeth a chance to experience trick or treating in day light before we try it on Monday night.  She parroted “tick” at the first house and then her eyes bugged out when she was given candy.  After that she was sold.  “Tick, tick, tick”  I hope that she has as much fun at tomorrow’s party and Monday night but if not, at least she had today.

After we got home we did the whole pumpkin thing.  Katrine was an awesome big sister.  She assumed the role that my brother held – pumpkin gut handler- reaching right in to the pumpkin and tearing the guts out with her hands.  She even convinced neat freak Elspeth (seriously, she complains if there is a mark on her hand still) to touch a small bit of the inners.  What an awesome big sis.  So proud of her.









"Seriously, you want me to touch the inside of that thing?"
"Maybe you are not crazy. This isn't too bad."
"Ya know, if one spoon is good; then two will be awesome!"
Look at her grabbing the guts. I hated that as a kid. So proud of her for not being girly like me.
"Now we have to play with the guts."

Mid-October Update

Where to begin?  Okay, had a fabulous mini reunion with some of one branch of our China family in chinatown.  Chinese food, great company, chatty girls.  What more could you ask for aside from the rest of the family.  It is always amazing to watch how the girls are when they are together.  This time, they were so enthusiatic at a Bubble Tea store that the lady invited them to come behind the counter and watch.  They are a really cute group so I can understand being taken in by them.  She also showed them how she gets the juice from sugar cane.  We were really blessed; with both of our adoption journeys we travelled with wonderful people who are a great support system for each other.

Then Elspeth got sick for a while.  Nothing bad but sick enough that it was made crystal clear how new we are to parenting her.  For instance, she is a puker.  Who knew that minor puking could go hand in hand with a stuffed nose?  She also wakes up early, really early.  When I am sick, I do the complete opposite, I sleep.  Katrine wants to eat popsicles no matter what she is sick with.  Elspeth – just wants to play with her food.  What comforts sick Elspeth?  Being carried – EVERYWHERE!  Have you ever tried to go to the bathroom with a child on your lap?  Not fun. (Yes, feel free to laugh her.  It really is absurd but after an hour of inconsolable child ones gotta do what ones gotta do).

On the Katrine front things are going well.  She continues to love being over programmed, and we keep hoping that she will realise it is too much and ask to quit something.  No luck so far.  She is going to compete in her first StarSkate competition in November.  She’s competed before so whats the big deal you ask.  Well, this time around it is harder because instead of doing moves in isolation she needs to do them in a sequence.  Sort of like a mini program without music.  Katrine is loving skating right now and even tried to negotiate with us to go skating and trick or treating on the same night until we convinced her that we could not stop time or make her be in two places at once.  She is a bit bothered that she is the youngest skater in her group and we are hoping that by going to the competition she will meet other skaters her age and feel more confident.

Elspeth is now up to 37 words but don’t try to make her use them.  She prefers to use them when the mood suits her.  There have been some stretches of crying as we work on getting her to consistently communicate using the words and signs that she already has.  That said, she really is making remarkable progress and we are quite proud of how far she has come developmentally.

Talking of how far she has come brings me to a favourite childhood activity for the fall – playing in the leaves.  When the leaves in our neighbourhood first began to change colour, she would have nothing to do with them.  Cried if we put them on the tray of her stroller or set her down to walk through them.  Over the last week she has begun to hold them and tear them into bits or stamp on them with her feet laughing as they crunch.  Today she took it a step further.  After watching Katrine rake the leaves into a pile and jump on them she picked up the plastic rake, raked and then did then same.  Sigh, progress.  Maybe we can get her to roll in them next.

My last piece of news is that yes, I have done seasonal nails again.  They are certainly not professional but they make me happy so enjoy my collection of jack-o-lanterns.

"Look, I can still use chopsticks."
"Had to get the doll into the leaves too."
"You mean, I can throw them into the air too!"
"Five little pumpkins sitting on the gate,..."


And then she was two!

Today our Elspeth turned two. It didn’t go quite as planned (but, it wouldn’t be a birthday if it went exactly as planned) but it was a great day.  Most of the day, Elspeth spent outside either splashing in puddles, touching leaves (we are making some progress on getting dirty hands), cutting plastic fruit and creating Mrs Potatoe Heads.  It was really fun.  I was really glad that mom and dad brought the purple wellies back from Scotland with them.  Elspeth has already gotten tons of use out of them.

After skating it was home for a family dinner with Glenn’s mom, more presents and more cake (this time just a frozen McCains cake).  In the midst of it all, Elspeth had to talk on the phone to various people sharing birthday wishes.  I think that was as much of a gift to her as the actual gifts.  That girl loves to talk on the phone.  She doesn’t make any sense but she is totally commited to the non-sense that she is saying; to the point that she even pauses to wait for a response.  Once again when she unwrapped the clothes she tried to wrap them back up or discard them quickly to the side.  “I may not have done this birthday thing before but I am smart enough to know that there has to be toys in some of these packages so to heck with these dull clothes.”  I think that her favourite gifts tonight were the doll stroller and chinese Cabbage Patch Kid.  She had Katrine pushing her own doll stroller and ‘baby’ right along side her around the living room in circles.  Then Karen and Peter stopped by so it was back to the cake and gifts.

Now she is asleep.  I wonder if she will wake up tomorrow morning and want to push the stroller to the bus stop when we walk Katrine.  My wish for Elspeth is that the coming year bring her stability and security after all of the changes she experienced while one.  Happy Birthday sweetie!

Liked the cake this time.

A developmental screening

First the good news, Elspeth is parasite free.  We were successful in killing off all of her wee intestinal parasites.  Now she is free to begin growing.  I keep telling her that getting bigger feet is a priority so that we can go skating together when her sister is at school.  It is not working yet but I am keeping my fingers crossed.  We had Katrine out on bobskates when she was two and now, as you know, we spend a lot of the winter outside at our local skate trail.  It would make me sad if we had to forgo that this winter so I hope for larger feet.  I know it’s crazy with all of the time that we are already spending at the rink each week but it’s relaxing and fun.

Yesterday was Elspeth’s initial intake assessment by York Region’s Early Intervention services.  The outcome is what we had hoped for – she is being picked up which means that she will get a proper developmental assessment as well as any necessary services.  For us as parents, it will provide us with a professional(s) who will give us direction.  I mean, I never thought of using Mr Potatoe-Head to teach body parts.  Simple, yes.  Effectively, I’ll let you know.

The assessment was actually a lot of fun for Elspeth.  She basically got to play with toys for an hour.  Of course she gravitated towards the play kitchen and served the assessor and myself “food” but she also tried ever task she was presented with.  Why is that surprising?  Well, she found chalk in her explorations of the room, picked it up, brought it over and used it without complaining about getting her hands dirty!!!!!   That only took three weeks of hard work but it was obviously worth it.  She also independently stacked blocks the first time she was asked.  She made a tower 4 blocks high and didn’t smash it after the first two blocks.  I have been working on that skill since we got home.  The results basically said that she has significant delays in the area of speech (not surprising and the referral to Speech & Language is already in), was average in social skills and has emerging skills in the areas of problem solving and fine motor skills.  The only finding that we sort of disagree with is the one that said she has average gross motor skills.  Yes, she can push a scooter slowly and climb into a stroller but she has no stamina, no real strength, and has exceptionally weak stomach muscles.  Oh well, the next assessment should show which one of us is right in this area.

To make yesterday even better, when we were at Katrine’s skating Elspeth actually willingly played with the playdough!! She touched it, squished it and rolled it AND she again did not complain about dirty hands.  Could we be making some real progress?  I must say that I think so.

Katrine?  Well, she is now skating in the Novice or Starskate level at our club.  To those of us use to existing in the real, non-figure skating world that simply means that she is now eligible to do skating exams as well as a short, simple program or solo during a competition.  Now, whether or not she gets a solo will depend on if she can learn to move across the whole ice.  It is interesting to watch her working on what she needs to do for her first skating exam called the Dutch Waltz.  This waltz is suppose to be skated on the whole ice surface.  Here she is, wee 7 year old girl trying to cover the whole ice.  If she skates it on half the ice, she looks pretty good but the whole ice and she starts to get wobbly.  She has only been back at it for two weeks so it is completely okay but also really cute.

She is also continuing with dance classes.  She is working on learning a new dance called the Highland Reel.  The steps are not so hard but the pattern that it is danced in is because it is a dance that involves four dancers dancing in a figure 8 pattern.  Plus, each dancer can begin in one of 4 spots.  So, this one dance is sort of like four different dances rolled into one.  If a dancer doesn’t know where to stop it can spell disaster for the other three girls(or boys but usually girls).  This is not a problem with the older dancers because we will just dance on top of you if you end up in our spot but it can bring even the best young dancers to tears.  She is excited about it which is great.

Tomorrow is the first of the birthday celebrations for Elspeth’s second.  No big party but a series of smaller ones instead.  Tomlinson birthday-Thanksgiving is tomorrow complete with one of Glenn’s delicious turkeys and a “birthday” pumpkin pie.  Then on Monday, he is cooking a second turkey for the Attwood birthday-Thanksgiving where she will get a nice gluteny cake made by her Auntie Heather.  Elspeth is getting much more comfortable with family so this weekend should actually be fun.  I can’t wait to see how she reacts to blowing out candles, being sung to and given small piles of gifts.  Will she get overwhelmed or dive right in?  We may have missed her first birthday but we are going to have that much extra fun celebrating her second!

Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating!