And come they did. Katrine enjoyed this so much when it was up at my parents three years ago that she begged to go back when she heard that it was coming back. The highlight of Tug Fest for Elspeth was the tug parade on the Friday night. Everytime a boat passed she would wave, clap and bounce up and down. I think that for Katrine it was getting to visit each of the tugs. One family had build their tug from scratch and documented the whole process in a photo album. I think that Katrine would have spent much more time going over the album and asking questions if there had not been two rather large dogs on board. Her other favourite was the huge tug. I mean, she insisted on waiting at least half an hour to get on the boat even though it was swelteringly hot.
Sunday we head to Wasaga for some family relaxation and fresh air. We spend so much time indoors at arenas or driving to and from them that we just need to get outdoors sometimes. The day was a success capped off with even more ice cream (seems to be a theme this summer).

Just to bring you up to speed, we also drove up to Orillia for a playdate with one of Elspeth’s China sisters. To be able to arrange for the pair of girls to speed time together, while also being able to ensure that Katrine wasn’t bored was certainly provided by the renovated park and beach at Couchiching Park. We went there for a few reunion playdates when Katrine was younger and it was getting warn but still fine. Now, WOW!!! Fancy. Definetely had something for all ages. I regret that Elspeth hasn’t been able to spend as much time with her China family as Katrine. They are more spread out geographically (both across Ontario and into the US)which presents a few more challenges. Plus, for us at least, school schedules, a child who only stopped crying and screaming in a car within the last 4 months (thank you Dora CD and electronic gaming devices) and of course weekend skating add to the obstacles. Glenn and I are continuing to look for possible solutions that will allow Elspeth to continue to stregthen these bonds.