I have to admit, I love my birthday. I also love celebrating everyone else’s birthdays too. This past week has been a very interesting but ultimately fun birthday. I did not have my usual skating party with friends because I am still coping with the after effects of whiplash. I am usually good and can get through the day with the help of pain killers and caffeine (I am not sleeping so well).
We spent the first weekend of 2013 up at my parents enjoying their ample supply of snow with some snowmen, a bit of backyard sledding and Glenn & Katrine went skiing.

I was feeling a bit sad because it took all of my will power to crawl around in the snow helping to fill pails to create the snow pair and push the girls on the wee hill. No skiing for me. :( Well, didn’t my parents turn it around. A special dinner, gifts and GF cake! Who can feel down when there is cake?

My actual birthday was wonderful. I went for lunch with Elspeth and my fabulous mother in law before enjoying dinner at home. It was great to watch how excited both of the girls were for my birthday this year. Katrine loves celebrating things and has always been enthusiastic which is wonderful to enjoy. Last year Elspeth watched but this year she participated. All day she was like, “It mama birthday. I give surprise toe nail polish. You do my toe nails?” Okay, she still has to work on the concept of what constitues a surprise but at least she was eager to celebrate.
The gift theme this year was chocolate (oh, and nail polish). Mmmmm. Chocolate tea, chocolate soap, chocolate lip gloss, chocolate coloured drapes 🙂 and of course chocolate cake. It smellt SOOOO good. Then to top it off the girls made cards which were adorable. Katrine made hers pop-up while Elspeth managed to copy To mama and print the current version of her name. I love my girls.

Did I mention that I got chocolate cake? Yes? Well this was a particularly awesome cake. First, Glenn made it as a surprise. Second, it has a half pound of butter and 6 eggs so that alone should make it delicious. Third, devil’s food cake. Fourth, it is absolutely adorable. Glenn made me a gigantic cupcake cake. As you can see, I could hardly wait to dig in. (Oh and my new scarf was a Mama T creation)

So here I am, 39 and proud. I have enjoyed every year and earned every wrinkle. I can hardly wait to see what this year will hold.