Pumpking pie a miss

We had a lot of fun with the Tomlinson side of the family this afternoon bonding over turkey, stuffing and side dishes.  As I mentioned in a previous post, this Thanksgiving has special meaning as we are able to celebrate Elspeth’s second birthday at the same time.  With it being Thanksgiving and all of the family (save me) being big fans of pumpkin pie with whipped cream, Glenn and I decided that instead of cake we would have a birthday pie for Elspeth.  She was confused by the whole candle and I ended up blowing them out for her.  Then we gave her a piece with some whipped cream.  Inspite of her reluctance, we managed to get her to taste a small bite.  Her face said it all.  Now there are two of us who don’t like pumpkin pie.  With it being a birthday celebration, we gave her a bowl of plain ice cream.  Hopefully, Monday’s birthday cake will fare better.  Enjoy the photos and turkey weekend and I will update you on the fate of the cake.

She loves her new penguin puppet.
That was fun. When's the next party?"

A developmental screening

First the good news, Elspeth is parasite free.  We were successful in killing off all of her wee intestinal parasites.  Now she is free to begin growing.  I keep telling her that getting bigger feet is a priority so that we can go skating together when her sister is at school.  It is not working yet but I am keeping my fingers crossed.  We had Katrine out on bobskates when she was two and now, as you know, we spend a lot of the winter outside at our local skate trail.  It would make me sad if we had to forgo that this winter so I hope for larger feet.  I know it’s crazy with all of the time that we are already spending at the rink each week but it’s relaxing and fun.

Yesterday was Elspeth’s initial intake assessment by York Region’s Early Intervention services.  The outcome is what we had hoped for – she is being picked up which means that she will get a proper developmental assessment as well as any necessary services.  For us as parents, it will provide us with a professional(s) who will give us direction.  I mean, I never thought of using Mr Potatoe-Head to teach body parts.  Simple, yes.  Effectively, I’ll let you know.

The assessment was actually a lot of fun for Elspeth.  She basically got to play with toys for an hour.  Of course she gravitated towards the play kitchen and served the assessor and myself “food” but she also tried ever task she was presented with.  Why is that surprising?  Well, she found chalk in her explorations of the room, picked it up, brought it over and used it without complaining about getting her hands dirty!!!!!   That only took three weeks of hard work but it was obviously worth it.  She also independently stacked blocks the first time she was asked.  She made a tower 4 blocks high and didn’t smash it after the first two blocks.  I have been working on that skill since we got home.  The results basically said that she has significant delays in the area of speech (not surprising and the referral to Speech & Language is already in), was average in social skills and has emerging skills in the areas of problem solving and fine motor skills.  The only finding that we sort of disagree with is the one that said she has average gross motor skills.  Yes, she can push a scooter slowly and climb into a stroller but she has no stamina, no real strength, and has exceptionally weak stomach muscles.  Oh well, the next assessment should show which one of us is right in this area.

To make yesterday even better, when we were at Katrine’s skating Elspeth actually willingly played with the playdough!! She touched it, squished it and rolled it AND she again did not complain about dirty hands.  Could we be making some real progress?  I must say that I think so.

Katrine?  Well, she is now skating in the Novice or Starskate level at our club.  To those of us use to existing in the real, non-figure skating world that simply means that she is now eligible to do skating exams as well as a short, simple program or solo during a competition.  Now, whether or not she gets a solo will depend on if she can learn to move across the whole ice.  It is interesting to watch her working on what she needs to do for her first skating exam called the Dutch Waltz.  This waltz is suppose to be skated on the whole ice surface.  Here she is, wee 7 year old girl trying to cover the whole ice.  If she skates it on half the ice, she looks pretty good but the whole ice and she starts to get wobbly.  She has only been back at it for two weeks so it is completely okay but also really cute.

She is also continuing with dance classes.  She is working on learning a new dance called the Highland Reel.  The steps are not so hard but the pattern that it is danced in is because it is a dance that involves four dancers dancing in a figure 8 pattern.  Plus, each dancer can begin in one of 4 spots.  So, this one dance is sort of like four different dances rolled into one.  If a dancer doesn’t know where to stop it can spell disaster for the other three girls(or boys but usually girls).  This is not a problem with the older dancers because we will just dance on top of you if you end up in our spot but it can bring even the best young dancers to tears.  She is excited about it which is great.

Tomorrow is the first of the birthday celebrations for Elspeth’s second.  No big party but a series of smaller ones instead.  Tomlinson birthday-Thanksgiving is tomorrow complete with one of Glenn’s delicious turkeys and a “birthday” pumpkin pie.  Then on Monday, he is cooking a second turkey for the Attwood birthday-Thanksgiving where she will get a nice gluteny cake made by her Auntie Heather.  Elspeth is getting much more comfortable with family so this weekend should actually be fun.  I can’t wait to see how she reacts to blowing out candles, being sung to and given small piles of gifts.  Will she get overwhelmed or dive right in?  We may have missed her first birthday but we are going to have that much extra fun celebrating her second!

Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating!

This year’s harvest

Usually we post regular updates about our garden so that we have some diversity on our blog. Haven’t really been doing that so I thought that I could switch it up for a change. Plus, I have some time to kill before Elspeth wakes up from her nap.


We didn’t plant anything to labour intensive this year given that we would be away for most of August. As a result of our absence, our watermelons and most of the squash were a flop. We did get a few carrots and potatoes as well as some late season strawberries. However, if you look at the photo you can see that our harvest was puny in comparison to previous years.








That said, we did manage to grow a 7 foot tall sunflower by simply ignoring it!! Right now the flower heads are laying in the garage in hopes that the seeds will ripen so that we can roast and eat them. I am not sure if this will work but the stalk toppled during a rain storm so we had to work with what we could.


A scoot, fall fun and a surprise sister

Okay, before anyone gets excited we are not pregnant.  We have been blessed once again as we have found another of Elspeth’s foster sisters!!  That makes 2 of the four, so two more to go.  Keep your fingers crossed for us.  This is huge news.  Katrine is really close to her “sisters” and I think that the importance of that relationship will continue to grow with time.  I mean, they have walked in each others shoes.  To be able to ensure that Elspeth has that connection to both her three travel group siblings but also the four girls who she shared her foster parents with for almost two years is wonderful.

Now on to the more traditional update:

If you read my previous post about our visit to my brother in Glencoe, you would have seen the photo where Elspeth is sitting on her cousin’s new 4 wheeler looking mighty proud of herself.  Well, she has a new toy…a three wheel scooter.  She can’t really steer yet and tends to simply go around in small circles but she looks mighty cute doing it.  We were really surprised when she stopped just sitting on it and tried to copy her sister and stand on one foot while pushing.  She doesn’t go fast but she does move like the big kids and that’s what counts.

I just sit and push right?










With Thanksgiving right around the corner I thought that I would share some fall fun with you.  We went to the Wild West Fall Fest put on by a local church this past weekend.  Katrine had a blast.  She saw some of her friends there, got her face painted, played games, won candy, did crafts and jumped in bouncy castles.  I mean, what is not to enjoy.  Elspeth was a little more overwhelmed.  As long as I was carrying her or sitting beside her, all was good.  She did seem to like colouring with markers though.  Before coming home we chose a pumpkin (the money went to local school breakfast programs).  Enjoy!

She got her face painted like a "Disco Diva".
Hey, it rolls!

Finally…citizenship is off!

Okay, finally posted Elspeth’s citizenship application today.  Now we wait.  We are not planning any huge trips right now which will help to decrease our anxiety about when it will arrive so that we can apply for a Canadian passport (learned with Katirne just how much of a pain it is to travel with a kid on a Chinese passport that requires Visas).

Now for some fun photos.  The first is our earliest photo of Katrine that we were allowed to take a photo of while at Katrine’s orphanage.  Then there is are cute photos of Elspeth and Katrine from yesterday.  Enjoy!

Katrine is maybe two weeks old in this photo.













Welcome to fall!

By the time most of you read this it will be fall so happy season of beatiful colours followed by moldy leaves. (As you can tell it is one of my all time favourite seasons)

Elspeth had her check up today.  Blood work looks good so far.  Got her first two vaccinations (poor little mite doesn’t realize that this is only the beginning).  We are still waiting for the results of her lead level test but things are looking good.  Most impressively, she has gained 1 1/2 pounds and grown 5 centimeters since we got home!!!!  Yes, the door on our fridge now hits her in the head.  She is exactly the same size as Katrine was at 18 months but she turns 2 in roughly 2 weeks.  Still not on the growth curve but at least we are going up.

My parents got back from Scotland and brought with them the cutest pair of purple wellies.  We put them on yesterday and she had a lot of fun jumping (sort of) in the puddles.  Heard that it is suppose to rain again tomorrow so I suppose that we will be back outside in our boots splashing around.  I am so glad that they sell rubber boots for super small feet in Scotland -the land of rain- because it appears that in Canada children are not suppose to walk around and get wet until their feet are at least size 5 or you are willing to pay waaayyy too much.

I am going to end this post with some random cute photos to make you smile on the first day of fall.

Her cousin's birthday present....I see trouble down the road. A motorbike girl?
Apple picking
Elspeth likes to pretend to nap. The dress was made by my Nana.
How our girls like to slide or as Elspeth says "whee".
Baby Moose
Let's go big sis, I need some speed.
Now, it's time to relax.
What a toddler does with stickers when given free reign. At least it covered the scuff marks.

Our Moon Festival Girls

Here is the summary:  Katrine loved the moon cakes, Elspeth not so much.  Elspeth loved my spherically round moon like meatballs (oh so chinese I know), Katrine not so much.  They both agreed that the lanterns rocked.  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

Our Moon festival supplies. Note: both lanterns play music and light up.
"More moon cakes! I need more! Can I eat the whole thing?"
"You mean I have to eat this thing? Couldn't I have some fruit instead?"
The grand finale

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Tomorrow is the mid-autumn moon festival and Katrine could not be more excited.  We had some friends over to visit today and they brought her moon cakes.  She is thrilled.  When we were in Nanning, she ate half a moon cake each morning with breakfast (yes, very healthy).  She is also looking forward to introducing Elspeth to the joys of staying up late and walking outside under the stars with your muscial lantern.  Yes, this holiday necessitated a trip to Pacific Mall for the sole purpose of procuring a musical lantern for Elspeth so that they could match (by the way, you should be looking forward to matching Halloween costumes as this is a theme in our life now).  Dinner?  Round meatballs, round carrots, round glasses of beverage all served on round plates.  The only chinese thing that will be part of our meal will be the moon cakes that Katrine loves.

When we were in China, particularly Nanning, it was interesting to see all of the preparations for the moon festival.  We asked our guide what she did with her family and she said that they went outside and sat under the stars together eating moon cakes.  She also told us that it was traditional to give moon cakes to family and friends this time of year.  Well, we will not be buying all of you a box of moon cakes.  Put it down to my thrifty scottish ancestors.  Instead, we are offering you these images from China and tomorrow maybe some photos of the girls with their lanterns.  Happy Moon Festival!

This was in the lobby of our hotel and inbetween meals, the restaurant had these for sale.
For all those XiYangYang fans. Katrine wanted to buy this and schlep it all the way home.
The Haagen Daz table advertising their moon cakes.
Okay, if I could do dairy I think that I might actually enjoy this moon cake.
And then I could follow it up with this. Yum!

New photos of Baby Elspeth

Today has been an exciting day for us.  We made contact with one of Elspeth’s foster sisters which will be huge for her.  AND…..we got new photos from a fabulous agency who helped to provide Elspeth with formula until Gotcha Day.  We will forever be in their debt.  First for helping to provide her with basic nutrition and now for allowing us new glimpses into the past 2 years.  We have been truly blessed.  Enjoy.

March 2010












September 2010












December 2010












March 2011 (same month as the original referral photos)













First day of Grade 2 and a gymnast

Katrine had a great first day in Grade 2 and loves her teacher.  She was also tickled pink when we gave in to her plees and got her sister a purple outfit so that they would be a matching set.  I think that Katrine going to school was harder on Elspeth today.  You could see the fear and anxiety in her eyes as the school bus pulled away with her big kid going who knows where.  Just what she needs, to lose another.  Then the sheer joy when Katrine got off the bus at the end of the day was priceless.

A matched set














This evening provided early signs that we might not have a skater, dancer or hockey player on our hands but a gymnast.  Front roll anyone?