Recently I found a great picture on Instagram. It showed what looked like a very simple craft – ice marbles. Get balloon, add food colouring, fill with water, tie and put outside to freeze.  Actually was not quite that easy. I never really made water balloons as a kid so I was not exactly experienced. First thing I learned was do not try to fill up the balloon using a funnel. Instead, take them to a small facet (I had to use the bathroom sink). Evne then, once you take the balloon off of the tap, the water squirts out. Granted, it squirted a lot more when using the funnel. If you are using plain water or water with glitter it is only a little bit messy. When using coloured water it is a much bigger mess which is WAYYYYY more fun to clean up!
The freezing of the filled balloons is straightforward – place outside or in freezer and wait. Okay, done. Then cut off the balloon. Now this is where the second big mess occured. The actual cutting of the balloons is again straight forward. However, they are filled with coloured ice. I ended up with blue and green fingers in addition to our little ice marbles.
Both girls enjoyed looking at the marbles and insisted that we try them again with glitter water. No pictures of those marbles as they are currently covered in snow. 🙂
Here is my question to all of you: Do you have any tips for making larger marbles? Do you know how to fill and tie the balloons without colouring your bathroom sink?
In said photo, the balls look to be rather large.