Ice Marbles

Recently I found a great picture on Instagram.  It showed what looked like a very simple craft – ice marbles. Get balloon, add food colouring, fill with water, tie and put outside to freeze.   Actually was not quite that easy.  I never really made water balloons as a kid so I was not exactly experienced.  First thing I learned was do not try to fill up the balloon using a funnel.  Instead, take them to a small facet (I had to use the bathroom sink).  Evne then, once you take the balloon off of the tap, the water squirts out.  Granted, it squirted a lot more when using the funnel.  If you are using plain water or water with glitter it is only a little bit messy.  When using coloured water it is a much bigger mess which is WAYYYYY more fun to clean up!

The freezing of the filled balloons is straightforward – place outside or in freezer and wait.  Okay, done.  Then cut off the balloon.  Now this is where the second big mess occured.  The actual cutting of the balloons is again straight forward.  However, they are filled with coloured ice.  I ended up with blue and green fingers in addition to our little ice marbles.

Both girls enjoyed looking at the marbles and insisted that we try them again with glitter water.  No pictures of those marbles as they are currently covered in snow.  🙂

Here is my question to all of you:  Do you have any tips for making larger marbles?  Do you know how to fill and tie the balloons without colouring your bathroom sink?

In said photo, the balls look to be rather large.

Welcome to the Year of the Snake

Happy New Year!  Welcome to the Year of the Snake!

We had a fabulous celebration last night with some of Katrine’s China sisters.  It is always a pleasure to watch the girls together playing, laughing and bonding.  The fact that it provides time to chat with friends is an added bonus which we throughly enjoy.  Thank you to our gracious host and hostess, it was a wonderful way to welcome in the new year.

If you have been following our blog, you know that we usually mark the new year by attending a new year’s banquet for adoptive families.  It is enjoyable and when we decided to give something different a try (it seemed too much coming off the whiplash, concussion and illness train) Katrine mentioned that she would particularly miss the lion dance.  With a PA Day and a Snow Day we had a lot of time to craft our very own dragon.  Unfortunately it didn’t last too well (never tape the “body” onto the “head” as it pulls apart too easily) but at least the girls had fun with it before it pulled apart.

And now for some new year’s party photos:

Finally, a snow day

We finally got a sizable snowfall.  🙂 The girls are loving it.  I am glad that I am still off so got to enjoy the snow instead of driving in it.  Glenn felt much the same until he had shoveled the driveway for the third time.  Well, Katrine is totally into it but poor Elspeth is a bit uncertain.  Probably due to the fact that we have gotten so much snow that she is having difficulty walking through it.  Both girls happily played and wore themselves out.  As a result, it is a quiet night in our house.  🙂

Oh ya, they also buried me in the snow.  Apparently that is really funny.  From my point of view it was quite comfy.  That is some really fluffy snow.

We thawed out by painting, making lip gloss (Christmas gift) and getting ready for Valentines Day.  Elspeth got a lot of practise printing her name.  Can’t always read it but she really tried.


Our New Homework Room

Turning our spare room into a homework haven was a change born out of the need to try something new.  Completing homework has been a source of stress for Katrine for quite some time and Elspeth’s arrival last school year intensified the situation as did the concussion.  She needs me near her as a source of calm and but so does Elspeth.  She will rarely chose to play in another room.  Instead she will select a toy and then bring it to use in the room I am in (e.g., she will push Barbie on her motorcycle in the kitchen while I cook).   We had been using the kitchen with Elspeth’s supplies stored in a cupboard and Katrine’s in a desk (hey, it seemed logical at the time).  They could never find pencils or simply HAD to get up in order to get such-and-such.  Plus, there are always the possibility of snack distractions in the kitchen.  All of this added up to more stress.

The spare room had been used as a toy room in an attempt to keep the toys in a central location where there could be a mess without it driving me crazy on a daily basis.  Unfortunately, we began to move things downstairs this past fall as Elspeth became more interested in games and puzzles.  Plus, we have begun using our fireplace and it is quite nice to have a game or puzzle to use in front of the dancing flames.  Very soothing but it translated into more clutter which in turn added to homework stress.

Something had to change.  Could moving the toys to the unused diningroom actually cause them to be used more (yes because the girls can now play with them while still being close to mom)?  Could storing all of the games, etc downstairs give us access to them on fire days while decreasing the tendancy to clutter? Yes!  Now, what to do with the room?  When Glenn suggested that a designated homework space that was not the kitchen might help decrease Katrine’s stress over homework; the plan for the backroom was born.

And so I give you our new homework room.  Today, Katrine had to do writing and then edit said writing.  No whining, complaining or pouting!!  Done in 15 minutes with a five minute break to watch the fish.  At the same time, Elspeth worked on her cutting skills and I left the whole experience without a headache.  Yippee!

Cheerful yet calm.

Craft supplies? In a drawer.  Stickers?  The box.  Paper?  Easily accessible.  You would think that I would have thought of this earlier being a teacher and all.  Both girls have already gotten items from the shelves and sticker box, used them and then tidied up. 

Katrine’s desk is painstakingly organized. Pencils in the nutcracker. Sharpeners in the white box.  Erasers in the blue case.  Stuffies to hug in frustration and flowers for colour.  Yup, training her to be a wee bit anal but if it makes homework time easier it is worth it.

I also took a page from my classroom and hung up anchor charts to help with her editing.  Easy to see so that she may actually use them.

Here is Elspeth’s “desk”.  She has her own crayon sharpener, pencil case for pencils and kitty for erasers.  Plus her own anchor chart.  Both girls like to cuddle up in blankets so I made sure that each one had their own dedicated blanket.

I put an old bookcase on the far side of the room to hold some of Elspeth’s educational toys along with Katrine’s science kits (we have experience with kits getting lost).  I also re-used those old diaper wipe containers to organize the writing utensils.  Did I already mention how over the top organized it all is?  It seems to be working though.  The girls have finally being using the giant colouring books that they got for Christmas and have consistently tidied up the markers, crayons, etc afterwards.  The downside is that I now have to go our and buy markers because they have realised that many aren’t working.  🙂

The fish were our last addition.  The girls chose guppies.  I have always found watching fish soothing so it seemed logical to have some in a homework room to try and help decrease some stress.  Yup, these little fish are gonna work for their food by decreasing mommy’s stress.

If this continues to help it might just be the best decorating decision we have ever made!

Winter Glitters: Part 1

Last weekend we took the family to Winter Glitters in Ajax.  It was a long but fun day full of what else but skating.  The big difference was that this time both girls competed.

Katrine has been really eager to get back into training since getting the all clear from the neurologist at the end of December.  That said, three weeks back on the ice is not alot of time to truly prepare for a competition.  She did a really good job on her solo given her circumstances thus far this season and we are really proud of how hard she has been working.  Unfortunately she finished 7th in her flight and was a bit dissapointed in herself.  Her disappointment was tempered by a fifth in team elements and a day spent with friends at the arena (which is why there are no photos of her from the competition because all of the ones from my camera have her and her friends in them so you will just have to wait for Glenn to post photos).

During the lull between Katrine’s two rounds of skating, Elspeth had her turn to compete.  She provided the comic relief.  In the end she went home with a “pink ribbon” for her efforts “just like Katrine”.  I think that having a ribbon and getting a chance to be out on the ice were banner events for her.

This skating is hard work.  Just look at how sweety I am. (Probably due to the knitted hat Grandma made you so that your helmet fits.)

Loving her coach after getting off the ice.

Winter Glitters: Part 2

This is just one part of Elspeth’s elements competition.  She is supposedly doing a two foot glide here and she does…sort of.  Honest!  Right after the waving.

Yes, the video is actually here.  Just move your mouse downward and it will appear like magic.



Junior Kindergarten

Can you believe it?  This child is heading to Junior Kindergarten in the fall?  I know this for a fact because I went and registered her this morning.  Standing there filling in all of the forms I felt like turning and walking out.  I mean, how can she be ready for school when I have only held her for a year and a half?  Nevertheless, off to school she will go.

When I walked in to the main office the nice lady behind the counter looked at both girls and asked me what grade I was here to register for.  I replied JK.

“Oh, you know that children need to be born in 2009 in order to start JK this fall.”

“Trust me, I know.”

“Oh, so she was born in 2009?”

“Yep.  She is just dinky.  Probably be the smallest kid in all of JK next year.”

We celebrated Elspeth’s registration with lunch out with Glenn’s mom.  The girls adore spending time with their Grammy and she them.  Then we got stuff for the upstairs fish tank (but that is another post) before coming home to work on our dragon (yet another post).  Then I declared that I was done.  My whiplash is improving overall but as you can see I am struggling with limits.  I seem to just go and then the moment I stop is when I notice the pain.  This past weekend we were at a skating competition (yet another post) and were standing much of the day so Sunday brought quite a bit of pain.  I thought that by taking a break this afternoon I might avoid a similar fate tomorrow.  WELL…Katrine got a new make up kit from her Grammy today and while I was resting she and Elspeth, as you can see, had some fun.

Gotta love big sisters and their creativity and also little sisters and their agreeability!

Penguins anyone?

As you know, Elspeth loves Katrine’s old penguin costume.  Last week she insisted on wearing it to nursery school.  All of the kids were super excited when we arrived and I must admit that I wondered why (they are usually happy to see her but not quite so over the top).  Well, turns out that they are studying artic animals and here was their own real live penguin.  What are the odds?


Happy Robbie Burns Day

As usual, we went up to my parents this past weekend to celebrate Burns’ birthday.  Highlights:


1.Elspeth likes haggis. (ugh) So does Glenn but Katrine is wise and refuses to touch the stuff. 🙂

2. Both girls danced.  Unfortunately there were technical issues so we have neither photos or video of them.  Katrine did two dances and was awesome.  I have worked with Elspeth on a little routine of basic moves and between that and her overall cuteness she got some cheers and left the floor with a big smile on her face.

3. This year I managed to find Burns colouring pages and I doubt that he ever looked quite so…interesting.  Elspeth even gave him an extra ear complete with an earring.

I will end with a family photo.