Elspeth has really been enjoying school this year (thank goodness). This past week had both a dance-a-thon and crazy hat day. The night before, she insisted on creating the masterpiece below. I think that she did a pretty darn good job. Don’t forget to look for the tiny gingerbread girl.
Elspeth began playing the ukulele a few years ago. She really wanted a guitar but was simply too small. Yesterday was the big day. She became a guitar owner. Now she will need to work up to the pink paisley guitar of her dreams but the cool red classical that she chose is a good start. Fingers crossed that it lives up to her expectations.
Her goalBaba’s got it ….…now to chose guitar picks. Hmmm, pink.The anticipation builds as Baba tunes it.Yeah!!!Trying it outAdd the chair behind you and a music book and you have a girl ready for music lessons.
Yup we have a new Brownie in the house and he is a penguin! This past week was pet day at Brownies. Elspeth was super excited to take her giantt stuffed penguin with her. She had a wonderful time giving him a check up and even made him an “I am a Brownie” necklace.
We have come a long way since we had Miss K’s very first birthday party 12 years ago. We had just been home about a month and a half. She was just getting settled. We marked the occassion by celebrating with our friends and their kids with an animal theme birthday party. This year sees her much more grown up but no less special to us.
The theme for her party was not animals but all things Japanese and pink. But I am getting ahead of myself. She marked her actual birthday with smaller celebrations with friends at school and skating before being taken out for pho by her dad. Then we had some green tea and red bean cake at home before presents. I can honestly say that the pillow Miss E sewed specially for her was her favourite gift of the evening.
Katrine’s 13th
The next day, I treated the girls to the Unicorn Frappucino. How magical! Since then I have found a recipe for a similar layered milkshake made with real fruit. It looks similar and I can’t wait to give it a try. Certainly much healthier and what a great way to sneak in more servings of fruit.
Unicorn Frappucino
Today was her All thing Japanese party. She commissioned her sister to help paint some cherry blossoms and colour artwork to decorate the walls while I was asked to get pink supplies. She contributed some of her kawaii cuties. We made little take out boxes for the loot bags (I mean, a bit over board but it is likely the last mommy thrown party). The event began with sushi hand picked by Katrine. Then an anime movie followed by a variety of Japanese treats (okay, the Brownies were not Japanese but we did need to have something main stream) and gifts. She had a great time hanging out with her friends.
Elspeth? Well she got to spend all afternoon with Baba. They went for their own sushi and then hit three different parks before stopping at Cosmo to check out 1/2 size guitars. Yup, she has been given the green light to look for a guitar. Soon it will be good bye ukulele!
The weekend began on Good Friday with a fun breakfast before church. Then we had the privelege of seeing Katrine participate in the running of service at church. Really proud of her.
Then it was off to my parents for birthday dinner for both mom and Katrine complete with butter tarts and an exciting gift for Katrine…money! Saturday dawned with a rainy day for the Lion’s Club egg hunt but the girls got in the spirit of it and walked away with their first batch of treats.
This morning dawned to gifts from their grandparents, full baskets and an egg hunt. The Easter bunny was tricky this year and hid the eggs all over the house instead of just in one room. Took the girls a while to find them all but they were laughing all the time. I was enjoying the hunt as I am not sure how many more Katrine will agree to do for her sister.
This year it was just Katrine in the show as Elspeth has been taking private lessons which works better for our schedule. It would have been great to watch them both our there but we greatly enjoyed watching Katrine.
She loved this number.I think that we didn’t do too badly on this zombie costume.
We broke with tradition and did not drive up north to my parents’ for their maple sirop festival. Â Instead, we went to our local celebration which was surprisingly well done. Â They had a great combination of indoor and outdoor activities and apparently the pancake breakfast was delicious!
Local First Nations’ artifacts. Very interesting.Small scale sap/sirop boiler.
Pretending to put a spile in a tree.Hey! Baba is a big enough tree for one tap.
We were honoured to be invited to Tim and Laura’s wedding this past week. The fact that they thought to include the girls as honourary flower girls made it extra special. We wish them a long and happy life together. Congratulations!
My Nana Brown passed away right before the break. She was a wonderful woman and fabulous grandmother. Always had something tucked away for Scott and I to do when we visited….and the girls too for that matter. Always had some treats for us to, along with an ear to listen to our exploits. The day after the memorial, we went to may parents for a change of pace. The girls were lucky and got to explore the Marsh with their Grandpa. Too cold for the sap to be running that day but they did check. These were the last two days before I got ill.
It wasn’t all bad. We did mark Pi Day….with sugar pie! Unfortunately too ill to bother making gluten free pastry; but also too ill to care that I wasn’t getting pie.
Not much, well any, photos of Katrine from March Break as she skated. She has managed to get back to her double axel with some consistency!!! She is also excited to be working on her new programs for next season. This past week (okay not March Break) she also did some skating tests so she has been busy. Oh, she did end the break by singing in the youth choir for the very first time. Proud mom moment.
Elspeth kept busy despite the fact that I was ill with bronchitis (in fact, just getting rid of the last of it). She sewed up a storm, went to library programs and completing Brownie badges. Here is a glimpse into her week in photos.
With her Brownie cookie fort.She upcycled an old nightdress into a skirt for her penguin.Hard at work on her next project.Apparently he needed a shirt too.Tuned up the bike with Baba.Time for some chemistry.Almost ready…..The finished product: food colouring and water painting on canvas.Some badge work with Baba.Love this wee Bonhomme she made.