What's up with Glenn, Heather, Katrine, and Elspeth
24M people in Shanghai and they were all at the Natural History Museum with us
The day started with us going down for breakfast at the same time as a tour group so things were crazy from the get go. ZigZag Bridge at Yu GardensHowever a quick taxi ride later we were at the Yu Gardens (豫å›) to begin day 2 in Shanghai. The last time Heather and I were at the Yu Gardens was some 12 years ago and that was in February where as today was quite a bit different, and more crowded, with the early morning temperature already well into the 30’s. A short jaunt across the zig-zag bridge to the Mid-lake Pavilion Tea-House for some cool tea (jasmine for the girls, green for Heather and I) and we were into the gardens.
We then spent 3 interesting, although very crowded, hours looking over the exhibits. Elspeth was especially happy to see a number of butterflies and of course the arctic penguin display was a hit.Penguins! We thought to eat at the cafeteria but with the number of people at the museum with us that was not to be, so a quick sit down for drinks and pastries pilfered from the breakfast buffet was all we were able to achieve. Once we were all done a taxi ride back was called for, luckily it was just over $5CAD, rather that the original plan of exploring the subway.Rocks are swag
This evening our guide stopped by with our next 3 sets of train tickets, we are set through to Nanning.