A mid-month update

Okay, I have stepped back from the hustle and bustle to catch my breath and get you caught up too.  What have we been up to since the parade?  Well, we saw Moana while Katrine went to Fantastic Beasts with a friend.  Elspeth went climbing once with a friend.  There was also the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe play as the girls had earned tickets at this year’s library read-a-thon.  It was actually quite a good production and we followed it up at a ramen restaurant with friends we hadn’t seen since the summer.

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They had crafts for the kids following the show.
They had crafts for the kids following the show.
Katrine fully enjoyed the ramen.
Katrine fully enjoyed the ramen.
Her lunch.
Her lunch.





















On top of that we have been sick, been busy with the usual holiday events (concerts, rehersals).  We have the trees up and the house decorated.  We also have a yard full of snow that Elspeth has been fully enjoying.  And that is the highlights of December thus far.


With a boost from Baba.
With a boost from Baba.
Katrine made these cute angels.
Katrine made these cute angels.


She has branched out into snow dinosaur feet from snow castles.
She has branched out into snow dinosaur feet from snow castles.
She also made herself a snowbed with a hole for the pillow.  I looked over and thought she had stuck her whole head into the snow.  It is going to be a fun winter.
She also made herself a snowbed with a hole for the pillow. I looked over and thought she had stuck her whole head into the snow. It is going to be a fun winter.