RoadTrip: Day 2

The next morning we headed south to Easton, PA which is home to the Crayola Experience.  This was the one that Elspeth was most excited about but both girls ended up having fun.  Heck, even I ended up creating one wax painting.  Imagine four floors of art supplies.  They made drip art, molded crayons, painted with wax, made puzzles, animated drawings….so much art.  We stayed until us grown-ups could handle the noise no more.  It was a lot of fun.


Cool theme crosswalk set the tone.
Cool theme crosswalk set the tone.
Elspeth got a laugh from seeing the crayon bum.
Elspeth got a laugh from seeing the crayon bum.
The "naked" crayon also got a giggle.
The “naked” crayon also got a giggle.
Drip painting
Drip painting
Wax painting station
Wax painting station
Katrine drew this in the glow in the dark section and then a lady came to clean the board making the cool crystalline effect.
Katrine drew this in the glow in the dark section and then a lady came to clean the board making the cool crystalline effect.
Beside the World's Largest Crayon.
Beside the World’s Largest Crayon.
The factory tour portion where they each got a fresh, "newborn" crayon.
The factory tour portion where they each got a fresh, “newborn” crayon.
It also had a counter showing the number of crayons being made.
It also had a counter showing the number of crayons being made.
Giant crayon caddy.
Giant crayon caddy.