What a way to start off with a BANG! Here is the skinny:
Glenn has been using time to build Katrine a box for her off ice. It still needs to be painted so that it reaches peak coolness but they have already had fun making it.
This past weekend we went to a birthday part for extended family member. Glenn got to get back into baseball and even had the chance to show Katrine the ropes. She really did pretty well considering that she has only played catch not swung a bat! Elspeth enjoyed her round of mini putt with Baba…as you can see. Me? I got to catch up. My favourite kind of party.
With Katrine off at skating, Elspeth and I have been filling the time with swimming, the park and rainbow looming. We have made bracelets, necklaces, octopi, bees and a penguin. I say “we” because she has done some and me others. (Thank goodness my new glasses came in, those elastics are hard to see sometimes.)
Yesterday we went to the beach with other extended family and both girls had a blast. After we came home, we broke out the henna. Here is some practical advice: don’t let your kids draw on your feet with henna. The results can be …. interesting.