Our journey began on Monday evening (thank you Kris, the cones worked perfectly) in the kitchen. It was time to craft our unicorn horns. Okay, maybe not Monday exactly. I mean, we made the decision to do the Colour Run last month as a fun thing to do with the girls but then the count down started on Monday. Katrine and Elspeth thought it would be fun to go as unicorns so that we could become rainbow unicorns and who was I to disagree? I mean, I had told them that the whole purpose of this 5K was to have fun being active and practise not taking things too seriously. How could I turn around and tell them that I did not want to wear a unicorn horn for 5K? So we broke out the glue gun and headbands to make our horns.
Last night I picked the girls up and we headed out to pick up our race packages. Boy were they excited. They instead that we should visit their Grammy so that they could tell her about their days at school (Beach Day & Track and Field respectively) and show her their loot. Of course, we couldn’t arrive empty handed and picked up some Cinnabons. They looked so yummy.
After checking the weather forecast all week, we woke to sunny skies!!! (yeah!) Off we drove in our white, cleanness. It was a big crowd but the music and bubbles got us going. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel out of place with my head attire. Perhaps, the men in tutus, multi coloured wigs and compliments had something to do with it. More important, the girls were proud of their horns and eager to get them coloured. Unfortunately, the colour didn’t stick to well to the cardboard so they are still basically white. They were selling rainbow unicorn plushies at the finish line so they did come home with one of those and got their rainbowness.
I am not sure what a “good” time for a 5K is but I figure that we did pretty good by finishing in just under an hour. We traveled at Elspeth pace so it was mostly walking with a few bursts of jogging near the start which, if I am honest, was fine with me because I doubt that I could have jogged much past 2K. Katrine was gracious enough to travel with us and encourage Elspeth along the whole way. Perhaps, another 5K is in her future if we can find one for kids so that she can see what it is like to travel at her own pace….I just hope that she doesn’t ask me to run with her.
With the sunshine and the walking and the colours, a good time was had. I had “forgotten” to mention to the girls that they would get a finishers’ medal at the end so you can imagine their surprise and delight when the were handed a medal after coming out of the final colour cloud. First thing they did was show their father. Overall, a successful, fun outing.