Christmas Day began with stockings (of course) and a delicious breakfast. Some of the favourite Santa gifts are shown below. Props go out to the Auntie Elf who lovingly crafted a giant cloud for Elspeth who continues to carry it around the house with her. Then we had a nice break while Glenn went to pick up his mom and brother. I took the girls outside to blow off some steam and enjoy the unseasonably nice weather.

The rest of the day was a mix of presents, food, Lego and Sushi Go which is a really fun card game featuring cute pictures of sushi on the cards. Oh and there was also a lot of music shared by our wee Elspeth.

The next day was our family portrait day. I can’t wait to see the photos because I am sure that they will look wonderful. Afterwards it was time for Christmas Dinner round two with Tim and Karen. Gain a lot of fun was had and two tired girls climbed into their beds that night.

I hope that everyone else had a great Christmas as well.