We spent this morning at our local Remembrance Day Parade. Elspeth’s band was playing and this was her first fall marching parade. To top it off, she was given a very special honour. She was asked, as the youngest band member, to assist with the laying of the band’s wreath at the cenataph. I am not sure that she grasped the full honour of what she was being asked to do but nonetheless, she was calm and well behaved during the service as well as when laying the wreath. She remembered everything that we had practised at home and we were all pretty proud of her.

The service was wonderful and provided a dignified thank you to our veterans past and present. Thank you for all that you have done to help preserve our freedom and rights. I thank you for myself and my children. We all wear our poppies proudly and I hope that they are growing up to understand the cost of those freedoms and rights. Thank you.