Fall is here!! And with it comes the fall fair. The girls had a lot of fun getting their entries together over the summer. I even got in on the action this year but don’t get excited because all of the Heather created things lost (it was nice making things alongside the kidlets though). One of the highlights for Katrine was making pastry alongside her Grandma by hand ’cause we don’t use no fancy tools; we do it old school. Elspeth? Everything was a high point for her. Heck, the day I was too take in her entries she was asking to make just one more craft.

The fair experience was great. Of course we just had to watch the Super Dogs show because those are some talented puppies. The kids loved the fair food and going through all of the buildings. This year we did something a bit different – we went to the midway. You see, little missy is finally tall enough to go on at least a few rides without her adult. Man was she thrilled to ride the Jumping Frog. Katrine? She chose to play a game instead of going on a ride.

Prizes? Oh, we got some of those. Three of my antique entries placed!!! (Yup, mama won for things she didn’t make!!) Katrine brought home three first place ribbons as well as quite a few other ribbons. Elspeth got one first place, and about 10 other ribbons. Plus, she walked away with a lovely plaque as the high points winner for Preschool. Not a bad start to the weekend.