This was a hot day. The weather was nice and sunny…until after dinner when the rain began. By the time we were lining up for Fantasmic the skies opened up. Within ten minutes we were soaked except for the parts covered by our ponchos. Then the thunder and lightening began. We called it a night and headed back to the hotel for some warmth and snacks. Even though we missed the cool light show it was a fun day.

We began the day by waiting to meet Princess Sofia. Elspeth discovered this show over the summer so she simply had to meet her. Both girls were excited to meet Phineas and Ferb as well as seeing Ducky MoMo.
While Elspeth played at the playground Katrine went to the Monster Inc meet and greet. The location was very well decorated and had nice big fans.
Both girls enjoyed the Star Wars section. They also thought it was funny when Glenn jumped up to play Gene Kellly from Dancing in the Rain.
For Elspeth the day was about Frozen. The parade, the sing-along, the short movie clip and the Olaf show, they were her highlights. At one point in the sing-along Elsa let lose her powers and snow fell from the sky. Elspeth’s mouth fell open, she stopped singing and dancing to look up at the ceiling in awe. “Look! She really can make it snow!” It was a true Disney moment.