Adventures in Atlanta – Part 1

Our journey to our vacation began with a road trip…broken up with rest stops of course.  Going in to our trip we were worried that the girls might drive us crazy on our drive south but we were pleasantly surprised.  They were awesome!  As a reward, Glenn took them out to breakfast at the Waffle House for waffles.  I got to enjoy some me time in the hotel room away from the gluten filled air.

Rest stops are fun!
Rest stops are fun!


Breakfast with Baba
Breakfast with Baba
















When we arrived in Atlanta we managed to get in to the World of Coke before it closed.  It was sooo much fun.

Hehe, here it is!! Mom is so excited.
Hehe, here it is!! Mom is so excited.
Okay, kids are getting into this.
Okay, kids are getting into this.

IMG_6175 IMG_6185

One of the girls took this.
One of the girls took this.
Should this go on my Christmas list?  A brew your own coke maker?  For my desk at school?
Should this go on my Christmas list? A brew your own coke maker? For my desk at school?
Hmm? Rumor has it that the formula is based on a drink popular in Scotland.
Hmm? Rumor has it that the formula is based on a drink popular in Scotland.
Katrine was pumped to see the secret formula vault.
Katrine was pumped to see the secret formula vault.
Look!  The Olympic torch!
Look! The Olympic torch!
On to the tasting room.  Baba enjoyed this part.
On to the tasting room. Baba enjoyed this part.
Elspeth liked this soda.  The only one that I have ever heard her like.
Elspeth liked this soda. The only one that I have ever heard her like.
Glenn and I rather liked this one.  YUM!
Glenn and I rather liked this one. YUM!
This was Katrine's pick.
This was Katrine’s pick.
She drank a few cup fulls of this mint flavoured pop.  Yup, liquid carbonated toothpaste and she LOVED it.
She drank a few cup fulls of this mint flavoured pop. Yup, liquid carbonated toothpaste and she LOVED it.
Everyone donated their souvenir bottle to me.  Lucky mom.
Everyone donated their souvenir bottle to me. Lucky mom.