This weekend’s outing was to Casa Loma for their 100 years of Christmas celebration. Again, not a new outing but we have not done this one since before Elspeth came home. It was also a first for Glenn and his mom was able to join us again.
Each holiday season there is a show for ths kids. This year’s show was the Ice Queen; the Hans Christen Anderson tale on which Frozen was based. This year’s show was also a ballet. Both girls and mom ended up with smiles on their faces.
From there it was off to visit Santa and of course, crafts. The Santa was awesome. His elves really listened when the girls said their names and then he called them clearly by name. No Catherine and Elizabeth this time!! From the crafts we headed up into the Scottish Tower…well, Glenn and his girls did while mom and I waited. They came down smiling so it must have been fun.
It was not freezing cold this time so we headed down to the basement and took the tunnel to the garage. Now those were some nice cars! I also rather liked the antique gas pump. Elspeth was thrilled, not with the cars but with meeting the giant penguin three times enroute.
Trees…oh the trees. Gorgeous! I mean, you judge for yourself. I think that my parents should add the bird feather tree to their house next year (hehehe).
This year they also decorated the grounds. It was lovely.