We finished up the Break with a trip to Bass Pro Shop for some indoor catch and release fishing. The line up was long but the girls had fun – they looked a lures with Baba, checked out the fishing poles, did a craft, watched the fish swim, climbed on boats, all while waiting for their turn. Once we got up there they were happy, happy. Both got some nibbles but no takers. That said, they left with smiles on their faces as well as new tackle boxes (which have since been turned into an eraser holder and “pretty stuff” holder).
And then it was back to school on St Paddy’s Day. Elspeth wore this green dress again to school so she could be in green like mommy’s earrings. For dinner the girls were thrilled with their green milkshakes (little food colouring never hurt anyone but my fingers turned a nice shade of green opening up the bottle, oops). Now there is a bit of a lull where we can catch our breathes and get back into the swing of things.