Valentines Day Attwood Style!

We have been really enjoying the Olympics and Valentines Day has been no exception.  What a treat it was to watch the men’s long program.  I even did not do my traditional Valentine’s nails because of the Olympics.  Feeling really proud of the atheletes.

Enough about that.  Time for some valentines.  The day began with a nice breakfast.  My favourite part were the heart shaped eggs.  I found the pan tucked away at the back of the cupboard last month and today provided the perfect opportunity to use it.  The girls informed me that I am to now make heart shaped eggs each year.  They both loved their pillows.  We almost couldn’t get Elspeth to leave hers at home when it was time to head out the door.  Yup, no candy on the table for them.  They seem to get plenty at school either during class or after care parties or with Valentines.  The last thing they need is even more.

When I picked up the girls we headed out for groceries.  We were planning on having chocolate fondue for dessert and I wanted the fruit to be nice and fresh.  Apparently, celebrating Valentines Day can be hard work.  As you can see, Elspeth had to lay down in the cart.

Katrine contributed a special decoration to our dinner table.  She had made a small beeswax candle at school.  Of course we had to light it because “it makes it more romantic” (giggle, giggle).

Neither girl could believe that they were going to be allowed to shove their fruit into a pot of warm chocolate.  Elspeth, of course, ended up with chocolate everywhere.  It looked like she had fingerpainted with brown paint.  Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture before we cleaned her up.  I did manage to get a picture of Katrine fishing a strawberry out of the chocolate.  She had some difficulty keeping the fruit on the fork…not that she was complaining about having to eat a piece of fruit dripping with chocolatey goodness.

And lastly some random cuteness.  Elspeth’s aftercare has been learning about space.  They have made a few different solar systems and have a simple telescope for the kids to play with in the drama corner.  They also made an astronaut cut out.  I couldn’t resist.  Here is Elspeth the Astronaut.

Happy Valentines Day!