Yup, I am officially in my 4th decade with Glenn to follow soon enough. It has been a wonderful birthday too. I got to sleep in (mainly because I slept through the alarm but that is a minor detail) and still made it to work on time! Waiting for me in my mailbox was a can of coke (my caffeine of choice) and a pink flamingo hat. So, all day I was walking around school with a flamingo on my head…and the kids loved it! I shared treats with my SSC students as well as those in my prep coverage classes. I think that I smiled all through the day. To top it off, it was a fairly smooth day at work.
I picked Katrine and Elspeth up and we met Glenn for dinner. We chose to go to B*ston Pizza because they had GF items that I can eat as well as meals that the girls enjoy. Glenn made the meal extra special by finding out if the bacon wrapped steak bites were GF. They were!! And they were also delicious (we got them without the onions or dip) A perfect way to change an ordinary meal into something special. After a delightful dinner it was back home for dessert and gifts. Glenn and the girls had baked a GF chocolate cake with chocolate icing and then topped it with 40 candles. It took 3 puffs for me to blow them out. Man that is a lot of candles. Topped it all off with cuddles from my girls, a glass of wine and a roaring fire. What did I get? Lots of stuff but one of the best things is a new dishwasher from Glenn. Doesn’t sound special? Well it is when it means that the broken one is replaced and dishes no longer have to be done by hand. Now that put a smile on my face.
Saturday was a reasonably quiet day that involved some sleeping in and more relaxing. Today was the official end of the celebrations which were marked by the arrival of a visit with a dear friend and her family who brought me some beautiful roses that are now brightening up our kitchen and mantel. Then it was off to the local skating trail for some family fun with friends. It was a wonderful day to be skating – cool but not cold and with only a slight breeze. Plus, Elspeth is improving leaps and bounds so she was going at quite a good pace which meant that Glenn and I got some actual skating in. We ended the afternoon with dinner at home with those friends marked by great conversation and watching all four girls consume mounds of cake pops.
Thank you to everyone who helped to make this birthday special for me. I have had a weekend full of love and it has made me feel special. My twenties saw me married, my thrities the arrival of our girls, so I can only hope that my forties are half as good as either decade.