Family Fun

The last two days have been a lot of fun for the girls.  We have spent large chunks of time outside each day and then come in to relax with homemade hot chocolate and rainbow looming.  I say homemade because Glenn found an instant chocolate recipe and whipped it up before Christmas.  He melted semi-sweet chocolate and mixed it with cream and then when it cooled he cut it into squares.  You just plop some in milk, nuke, stir and deliciousness!!  As for the rainbow looming, Elspeth is working hard to  figure out how to loom a simple bracelet.  It is a bit beyond her but she really wants it.  Katrine got a pattern book for Christmas and was able to bead a bracelet and make her heart’s desire – a starburst bracelet.

The fact that her uncle and aunt got her glow in the dark elastics sweetened the deal because said bracelet also glows in the dark.  Katrine has also been enjoying using her new foot spa.  Now I love a good foot soak as much as anyone but this new spa is a bit much for me.  To me it feels…ugh but then it is not mine so I don’t have to like it.

Katrine had a lot of fun being an engine for Elspeth.

This is what Katrine did when she got bored.

Near our trail there is a soccer field with a lovely nice slope.  They started using a sled but…well…who needs a sled when you have a butt or belly covered with a snow suit?  Apparently that is just as good.


Here is the new foot spa.