Happy Bar Mitzvah Elan!

You won’t get any photos of the birthday dude but sending him birthday wishes anyways.  He did a fabulous job and we are super proud of him.  So very neat to have watched him grow up over the last 13 years.  It was also great to bask in his parents pride as he performed the religious aspects.  Rightly so as he did amazingly.

In addition to celebrating a momentous occasion with good friends, Glenn and I were able to sneak in a weekend away together…you see, the bar mitzvah was in Winnipeg!  The girls got quality grandparent time while we flew out west to relax, eat, drink and dance with friends who we haven’t seen in far to long.  The fact that the beds at the Fort Garry were beyond comfortable really aided in the relaxation aspect of the trip.

Before flying home on the Sunday, we went for a walk at the Forks where the Red and Assinaboine Rivers meet.  It was a bit chilly but nice to stretch our legs before the plane ride home.

The hotel was built in 1912 near the railroad tracks.  It even has a resident ghost who we gladly did not meet.

Some photos from the Forks.

The mall’s ode to Winnie the Pooh of literary fame who was named after Winnipeg.

We saw this big guy at the airport and I had to get a photo with him.