Some Summer Skating

Now normally, one doesn’t associate summer and skating but this is our family so it goes without saying that there is still skating.  Summer camps infact for both girls.  While Katrine is going full time, Elspeth only goes for the last hour.  That way she doesn’t bother me with a zillion questions about why her sister is skating and she is not.  Both girls are having a lot of fun and with our recent heat wave even I have been enjoying the frosty arena.

Skatey Katrine:

She continues to work towards her double toe, loop and flip as well as her solo (which she loves).  This week at camp they are putting on a show.  The theme is Christmas in July so we had to dig around tonight to find a suitably red top.  Poor thing will have to ride to skating in black skating pants in the heat.  The sacrifices of a performer.  🙂

We managed to get the dress issue sorted out.  We first ordered the dress in May and it arrived in June.  There was a problem though.  It was HUGE.  Turns out that a Ladies dress was shipped instead of Katrine’s.  The store sorted it all out right quick and we picked up the proper size this past weekend.  It fits like a dream and looks good when she is skating.  Now it is time for me to work my magic and bling it.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am up to the challenge as well as able to get it done on time.

Yes, pink and orange.  Not two colours I would have thought to buy for her but Katrine’s coach was right and they look great.


That’s our girl in the black sweater.  She is too fast the rest of the time so this is about the only photo I have.

Skatey Elspeth:

Okay she may be skating everyday but her goal is having fun and she is.  (She is also learning but really it is about the fun.)  Today she got so hot that she ditched her sweater in favour of short sleeves.


Y stand…with some help

If she continues to skate I do think that she will end up in pairs.