It was a rainy day

The first in a seriessupposedly.  I know, big surprise when one is in Britain.  It provided us with the perfect excuse to spend the day indoors at two museums -Science museum and Natural History museum.  The girls had a lot of fun at both.

The Science museum had a good mixture of interactive displays and information displays.  Katrine was in heaven surrounded by all of the information.  Especially when she got to see astronaut food Nd space diapers.  (Nope, potty humor is not just for boys.). Elspeth of course preferred the hands on areas but also went wide eyed looking at early bikes and lawn “momers”.  There was even an exhibit for Glenn on code breaking.  I got to see the model I made in grade school, well I think Scott actually made it, to go with a science fair project I did on the moon. Seriously, there was the exact same model in adisplay cabinet except it had a better paint job and gold leaf (I claimed it before it was painted.)

After about three hours we were all sciencesout so we headed next door to the next museum and the dinosaur exhibit.  On the way we passed through the bird section where Katrine saw a dodo bird and broke into song “Finding a dodo bird, driving our sister insane”.  Gotta love those text to text connections.  Both girls enjoyed the dinosaurs but near the end it was clear that Elspethwas done so she and I came back for nap and the other pair spent two more hours at the museums exploring whale skeletons and minerals mostly.  Once Gain, Katrine was in heaven.

Tomorrow is a special day to me because we will be meetin my cousin Lillian (my Nana’s mother’s sister’s daughter’s son’s wife, you got that straight?). I haven’t seen her since our wedding so I am very much looking forward to it.  I can hardly wait for her to meet my girls.  So I guess it is off to bed so that I can look well rested tomorrow.