1. 16 more sleeps until our trip!!!!! To celebrate we gave the girls some really adorable hairbows. Apparently they are not really the thing for a nine year old sooo Elspeth now has two. Hehe.
2. The girls and I went to the dentist this afternoon. They were thrilled with their new toothbrushes and small toys (little ducks whose eyes pop out when you squish them). Well, we are off to the orthodontist to see about getting Katrine’s teeth straightened. And little Elspeth has a pre-cavity in the back of her front two teeth. :( I suppose that is a small price to pay for not brushing your teeth for the first 22 months of your life. Thank goodness it doesn’t need anything done to it right now. Definetely not looking forward to having to get it filled. Not sure how she would handle that especially as she quite likes our fabulous dentist right now.