Yesterday marked the beginning of the count down to Christmas — Advent. We had to light the candle in our advent wreath at breakfast because we were not going to be home for dinner. Sitting at the table looking at the wreath it is obvious that we will need to upgrade next year. The artificial greenery simply didn’t bounce back as in years past. Never the less, the girls liked it. Katrine declared it pretty while Elspeth tried to blow it out like a candle on a birthday cake.
Why weren’t we home at dinner? Well we were busy crafting at our church for their annual advent craft night. Basically, you get to take your kids and have them do a bunch of fully prepared Christmas crafts. Then enjoy a potluck dinner with friends before a brief kid targeted service. The crafts as usually were fabulous but I think that my favourite part this year was the service. It consisted of two prayers, three carols, movement and a lit candle (which Elspeth again blew out but that said, at least she didn’t manage to burn anything). It was the perfect mixture to hold the kids attention and it ended before they got stir crazy.
We took a roundabout route to get home so that we could soak in some of the local lights. It is much more fun this year as Elspeth is finally tall enough to see out her window instead of simply getting mad that Katrine could see something which was hidden from her view.
I think that this was the funniest craft of the evening. At this table the kids were suppose to make cards for shut-in seniors. Well when there is gold paint and glitter on a table, Elspeth is your girl. I love the upside down Noel and gloopy holly. Unfortunately I did not get a photo once she had attacked it with the various shades of glitter glue but it was certainly a unique Christmas card. I did tell the lady running the table that she might want to put a rider on the card stating that it had been made by a three year old.