Adventures in cooking class

I have been able to take Elspeth to cooking class the last two weeks because they have not  made anything gluteny.  It is nice to see her learning by doing and then enjoying the fruits of her labour.  She has a great time; can’t you tell?

She made cheesy apple melts and fruity coleslaw last week.  The highlight of which was getting to cut and cut and cut until everything was practically diced.  Great week!

This week apple mock-tinis, apple cookie pizza and stuffed apples were on the menu.  She had fun.  The class started off well…

Looks yummy doesn’t it?  All of the chocolate-apple-cinnamoness topped with caramel sauce simply had to taste great as did her mock-tini.  Elspeth finished the class enjoying her apple stuffed with cheese, sunflower seeds and raisins.  Yippee!

Didn’t need lunch because she ate it all (not exactly balanced but oh well).  There was however, an unfortunate mishap on route to the creation of this edible delight.  It involved an apple and a corer.  Oh, and  my thumb as well as a trip to emerg.  Luckily I didn ‘t need stitches (lucky me, I had pretty much sliced the skin clean off so there wasn’t anything to stitch) but I do have a pretty inpressive bandage right now.

Now no need to worry.  Katrine had her skating competition simulation tonight and even with the bandage I was able to do reasonably good hair.  Thank you to Ashley (her coach) for tieing her skates. :-)   Another special thank you to my hero of the day – my wonderful mother-in-law.  She came right away when I called.  Went to the ER and kept Elspeth entertained for almost two hours while I was being taken care of.  Helped fasten and unfasten car seats, containers, bobby pins and snaps.  Mom, you rock. 🙂