This morning I dropped Elspeth off for her first day of nursery school. She was so excited to wear the new “Hell-oooo Kitty” backpack that her grandparents gave her along with her new shoes purchased just yesterday as her feet have finally grown into size 6!!!
Got her backpack on and she started down the steps. I turned to lock the door and when I turned around she was at the sidewalk beginning to walk the route we take every morning to Katrine’s bus stop. “Elspeth, where are you going?” “I go little bus mama. Go school.” I felt so bad when I had to explain to her that we would be traveling by car not bus. The damage to her spirits was temporary as once we arrived at the parking lot she was ready to go again.
Of course, traffic was an issue so when we arrived, all of the kids were inside already. “Mama, where friends?” Well, once she saw that they were inside she was gone with a kiss hug and was content until I arrived to pick her up before lunch. Hopefully the pattern will continue.
Thnx alot… i like it