A sick girl, a competition and a trike

After the last update, Katrine spent one whole week well before picking up a virus so now she is sick once more.  During that single week of wellness, she competed at March Mania in Innisfil because we had already registered her so what the he**.  We were hoping that she would go, have fun and stay up right on her skates (I mean, in three weeks she had only been on the ice three times for a total of 2 hours of ice time where she normally clocks at least 5 a week).  Well she goes and does have fun and manages to stay up right through out her solo.  She also manages to come in 4th!!  Pretty darn proud of her.  When Elspeth saw her getting her make up on, she had to get in on the action too. Do you think that the pink eye shadow is a bit much for a two year old?  We tried to convince her of that but she was pretty adament and proud of herself.

Opening sequence
She also has hot pink nailpolish on because I did it on Katrine to help her feel better. Sometimes it is good to be the younger sister.



Elspeth has grown over the last month so during the lull last week we pulled out Katrine’s old red trike to see if she was now tall enough for it.  Yep!  She seems to grasp the concept of peddling and can make it go forward or back for about three peddles.  Think that there are going to be many days spent outside with that little red bike once her legs get strong enough.










Are the rest of us healthy?  We think that Elspeth may have had a virus at some point in time because she woke up super cranky but with that being the only symptom it is hard to conclusively say.  Glenn has had a couple days where he has been simply exhausted so we think that he was maybe fighting it off.  Me?  Thought that I had an ear infection last week but it turned out to just be a virus or cold.  Found out though that I really should not take Tyl**ol decongestant.  No, it did its job its just that I am wierd.  In my normal Heather fashion I walked around in a dazed and exhausted state for two days until Glenn hid it and put me to bed.  I am still really tired but not congested anymore.  Plus, it is much safer for the kidlets to just have a cranky mom.  That’s how it stands for us leading up to the March Break.  Wishing Elspeth had a Canadian passport and we were heading somewhere sunny and warm to play by a pool and rest.  Instead, not sure what we will be doing because spending vast quantities of time outdoors in the cold is seeming like an unwise choice.  Suggestions?