Still no photos of Katrine because she is still sick…with Scarlett fever. Yes you read that right. When I first heard the doctor say the diagnosis I had a Little House on the Prarie flashback…except with chinese girls. I think that TV show and books are the only places I have heard of people getting it. Well, guess it is a modern day illness too.
Katrine has been one sick girl. After a day on antibiotics her fever is no longer super high, but it is still around. Her rash is starting to fade but regular doses of Benadryl are needed along with cool showers to keep the itching at bay. Throat and nose are looking marginally better but her cough is the same. Energy level? I will describe it this way – our active, go go go girl has spent all of the week on the couch. Elspeth is now familiar with all of the non-cable children’s cartoons. On the plus side, Katrine is too weak from not eating and fighting this off to care about doing anything other than watching TV and it seems to be helping Elspeth’s speech because she is coming out with more multi word combos. (I guess that could be from all of the books we are reading when I can’t stand TV anymore). The doctor said that she is no longer contageous today but I don’t think that she will be up to going out for much until the weekend which is okay as we are going to be spending the weekend getting her caught up on all of the school work that she has missed. It is really shaping up to be a fun weekend. Beat you wish you were here!
And now I will end on a lighter note, with some random cuteness from February. Have a great weekend.