Some Christmas fun

We played hooky from church today and went out with my parents to have breakfast with Santa.  The highlight for Elspeth was ringing Santa’s bell (while hiding from Santa) and for Katrine it was getting her photo taken with Santa by a SNAP reporter.  It is suppose to be in the paper in January and she is pretty excited about that.  Both girls also got lovely gift bags with homemade cookies which were quickly devoured.

Likes the big guy in theory but only his bell in reality.














The last week has been full of Christmas prep.  Katrine baked some cookies with her Grandma T as her sister looked on.  They have both been crafting up a storm making both decorations and gifts (my apologies if you end up with one of their gifts; they are not useful and they do not necessarily reflect an understanding of your personal tastes but at least they have been crafted with love).  I have been redoing Santa shopping because Katrine changed her mind.  At first she wanted a Fijit and I found a pink one so picked it up.  Then she decided that they were boring and she would rather have an mp3.  Well, on Friday I was out shopping and found a really great deal on an ipod so I guess that Santa will be able to handle the last minute change in plans.  Shopping for Elspeth was almost as stressful because she just had a birthday and really needs nothing.  That said, we found a cool catch-the-bug magnet fishing game for her.  She won’t acutally be able to play according to the rules but it should be fun watching her try to catch the bugs with the fishing rod.

Gluten-dairy free chocolate maccaroons....Mommy's tummy thanks you ladies but my waist line moans.
"Whatcha making?"


















Glenn and I have also been introducing our girls to the joys of non-chocolate containing advent calendars.  You know the ones from our childhood which had little cardboard doors with pictures behind them.  Well we found some on sale for only $2.oo and both girls are super excited to see what is behind the door each day.  This is a pleasure that I remember from when I was little.  My brother and I had a advent calendar in the shape of a Santa.  Now he was super cool because it you pulled on his string his arms and legs moved and he stuck out his tongue.  Anyways, every morning in December we would go to the front hall and open that day’s door.  Him  one day, me the next and so on.  We had the same calendar for years but it never got old.  I think that my brother has it hanging in his house now but it is one of those memories I treasure (pouring over the Sears Wish Book is another because Scott and I would lay side by side with it for hours).  It is neat to share something so low tech with the kids that does not involve even more sugar…goodness knows that they will get more than enough sweets and candy canes.

Christmas aside today is a pretty big day for Elspeth.  It is her first night in a big girl bed!  She has been hooking her leg up on the top of the crib bars and has managed to hoist her little bum almost up to the top so we felt that a move might be a prudent choice.  Converted the crib this afternoon and she was dancing with joy.  You could see the wheels turning as she ran from Katrine’s bed to her new one laughing.  When we added the Dora sheets and comforter she practically squeeled with excitement.  Tonight she lay down, snuggled with her stuffies and went to sleep.  I am sure that once she realises that she can actually get out of bed the real fun will begin.  Hopefully it will be a few more days before that realisation hits.

The face says it all. Not sure how she could sleep on such bright sheets but they were the only ones that had map and he's her favourite.