Potty time…and Baby Jesus has an outing

Before any of you get your hopes up, Elspeth has not yet joined the ranks of toilet user.  I thought for a while there that we were making headway by putting Dora underwear under her diaper ( You know, Dora wants to stay dry.) and giving an M&M upon success.  Nope!  We are still at the sit, do nothing, get up and dressed, pee, ask for candy stage.  That said, she has begun to show an interest in mothering her stuffed animals.  As you can see from the photo, it appears that stuffies use the potty in a much different manner than people.














Now about Baby Jesus.  We have a plastic nativity set so that it can be touched, played with and enjoyed.  If we are lucky, it will also translate into some acqusition of the Christmas story but then again maybe not.  As you can see there was some trouble in Bethlehem this afternoon.  A force of nature, hereafter refered to as Hurricane E, joyfully explored all of the wonders that the town offered.  E was unaware of the way that it was changing the natural landscape or disturbing the lives of the people and animals on the nearby land.  Once building escaped damage.  A lowly manger.  Its two inhabitants, a man and woman, were unharmed…as if they were being watched over by an angel.  They were a bit worried though.  It seems that E had scooped up their new baby and taken him off into the wide world.  A gruelling search turned up the child nestled in E watching cartoons on the other side of the basement.

Perhaps nestled was not the most appropriate choice of words.















Now please do not worry.  The Baby Jesus was returned safely to his parents and continues to be guarded by both star and angel.  The wise men have resumed their journey and the shepards have sought heavenly protection as they venture back up into the hills with their flocks.  All of the animals are now sleeping having agreed that it was quite a day.