A Katrine Post

Okay, I have put up so many Elspeth updates that I felt it was time for a Katrine update.  What’s new with her?  Well, she has her first skating competition on the same weekend as the Toronto Santa Claus Parade so I am hoping that they are not at the same time because it would be horrible if my tree didn’t go up then (just to me that is).  She is doing a new style of basic moves competition but it is a sort of pre-cursor to her getting a solo.  It is also her first competition as a StarSkater, which just means that she has moved up a level.  She is excited because she is going to get to wear more make-up and glitter.  Another big skating change is that Katrine will be skating twice more a week until at least Christmas.  The plan is to have her continue after the break if she can still focus at school, get all of her work done and doesn’t whine too much at getting up at 6:15 to be on the ice for 7.  Before you ask, yes this is something that she desperately wants to do so we are giving it a try.  The place where she will be skating is where she went to camp this summer.  It is pretty hard core but she loved camp and is pumped about going back.

Enough about skating.  I thought that you would get a kick out of seeing her newest creation.  She has taken over the book room (the room with the fireplace) and turned it into a school for Elspeth and her doll Jessie/Jessy.  I must say that Jessy seems to get in a lot less trouble than Elspeth given how often I hear their names called.  I guess that is why two year olds don’t go to school yet.

There is a cafeteria where they can buy lunch.
Here is Jessy at recess. It seems at this school you can read, walk a dog or watch TV at recess. Interesting mix.
Jessy certainly keeps her desk neat for one so young.
Jessy even has an agenda with a section for each month and a pocket at the back for notes from home.
Apparently one of the topics they are currently studying is the water cycle.