Today we had the pleasure of celebrating our second Thanksgiving, this time with Glenn’s side of the family. Of course that meant more turkey and all of the fixings with the exception of pumpkin pie. Tonight’s dessert instead were the most adorable cupcakes which left our house smelling of cake (this might require me to either go and buy more flour so that I can make Heather-friendly cake or go and buy Heather-friendly cupcakes, it smells that good). As you can see in the photo below they really are the cutest little panda bears. All thanks to the creative genius of the other Heather (yes, 2 Heathers, 1 family). Everyone else loved them…birthday girl, hmm. Let’s say they faired better than Saturday’s pie. This time she ate the nose and arms and legs after which she stared at it somewhat suspiciously. Sigh, I wonder what her reaction will be to the McCains cake she’ll get on Thursday for her actual birthday? Perhaps, Glenn and Katrine will end up eating most of that cake too.
Elspeth has figured out presents though. This time when they were put infront of her she dove right in to tearing off the paper. It was funny, when she got to the package holding clothes she tore off the corner and then shook her head. As if to say, if it ain’t toys I don’t want to waste my time opening it. This weekend she got some lovely things. She’ll play with them and I will enjoy a wee bit of rest because I will not be dreaming up tons of things for her to do.
How is she doing is a question that we frequently get. I think that this will sum it up. Today she got upset when Katrine tried to look at her new birthday toys and covered them with her little arms saying “mine” (well, that was what she was aiming for). She also saw Katrine hugging Glenn and got quite insistent that he come and give her a hug to.  Aaah, sibling jealousy. It can only mean that she is getting more attached to us. We welcome you.
Here are just some photos for you to enjoy. I had to put up the ones with the do-dads in her hair as this is the first weekend that Elspeth has allowed them to stay in her hair for longer than a few seconds. Also celebrating the fact that she actually has some hair in which clips can be put.