Tonight marks the end of our first week home…its been a long week but productive week.
We were greeted at the airport by some of our China family and it was a really nice way to ease back into reality. Katrine was thrilled to have a chance to run around and blow off steam with her “sisters”. The fact that cupcakes were brought in addition to friends made it that much more special. Then it was time to introduce Elspeth to a Canadian automotive tradition: the car seat. She was not impressed. A five point harness is quite different than complete freedom in chinese taxis. Good thing was that she didn’t last long before falling asleep. When she woke up it was to her new home and some family waiting on the doorstep. Introductions were given as she clung to Glenn’s shirt. Eventually she was coaxed off and began to explore what we are affectionately refering to as Toyapalooza. She was particularly enamored with the kitchen. Guests shown to the door, a warm bottle and all four of us were in bed.(well, Glenn and I ordered some late night pizza first. I mean, keeping the McD’s french fry industry in business leaves one decidely hungry after three weeks)
The next day we got both Elspeth’s SIN and Health Card in her proper Canadian name. We are keeping our fingers crossed that her permanent resident card also comes that way so that there will be no issues with her citizenship. We have also gone to visit the doctor, got her parasite tests and TB tests done and I have applied for EI. Oh and did I mention that poor Glenn woke up the day after we landed with a horrible head cold? It hit him really hard. Katrine and I have just been battling jet lag while Elspeth is adjusting. Amongst all of the jobs that have had to get done we have had some fun. Katrine went to skating classes with daddy twice this week so that she would have a little something that was just for her. We also introduced Elspeth to the joys of our local parks and splash pads. As you can see from the photos, she is still adjusting. She had more fun splashing in one of the puddles left from a rain shower than in the puddles at the splash pad!
She is also adjusting to our house, routine and food. She is starting to smile more readily as the week has gone on. She is also starting to be less clingy to me. Yes, that’s right. The girl who clung to her Baba for dear life in China, became a Mama’s girl upon arriving in Canada. So much so that she would want me to hold her while trying to cook and if I put her down or into her booster would throw a fit. Now though she is seeking out Baba more again which shows that she is beginning to claim her new environment as her own. She is also making progress in terms of the number of foods she will eat. Breakfast is by far her most favourite meal. She will eat a whole clementine, small glass of milk, a scrambled egg and then bowl of oatmeal in one sitting. Then when I sit down to eat will make little bird noises to indicate her indignation that I am eating and not feeding her. Of course, she won’t eat my GF toast and bacon but she insists that I offer it to her. We still have a long road until she is at a more reasonable weight for her age, until she can use speak to indicate what she wants, until she truly feels safe and secure and a part of our family but we are off to a good start.