I picked Katrine up at After School Care today and was told that school was AWESOME!! She thinks that her teacher is great, which always helps. What did she learn? “A few words in French, that I can’t remember. How to have respect for our school and we used clay…and I played with A***y at the park.”
I was pretty proud of her this morning. An older girl was waiting at the bus stop with her. The girl said, “You look adopted.” (Granted Glenn and I were waiting with her) Katrine responds, “I’m not adopted. I was born in China and then adopted. Are you adopted?” Girl, “Um, no. These are my real parents.” The meaning of the last remark seems to have escaped her but that could be because she noticed the school bus coming down the road. Sigh, I hope that we have prepared her well for the questions that seem to be croping up already.
To end on a happier note, I hope that you enjoy the photo.