After Katrine did so well and had so much fun at the Georgetown Highland Games, and after much pleading by her to “go to another competition” we looked around and found the Embro Highland Games. A very early morning ensued fueled by a quick stop at Tim Horton’s for donuts, followed by a 2 hour drive.
We arrived and got setup, since Katrine was dancing in the Primary A category she was dancing at about 9:40am. First up were the Pas de Basque
After that we took a break
Finally the dance results were in. Katrine recieved a 6th place in the Pas de Basque, and did not place in the Pas de Basque and Highcuts. She did however receive a collapsible lawn chair as a participation award, a medal for her 6th place showing, and a stick of candy for turning in her bib number.
All in all it was a good day and a really enjoyable Highland Games. If Katrine is still interested in Dancing next year, it will definitely be on our calendar.
Finally here are 2 videos of Katrine dancing.
first the Pas de Basques
then the Pas de Basque and Highcuts.